'Owns' is too strong, but this book is an honest and thorough take on the matter from a couple of the top scholars in the foreign policy field. If you want a shorter version, look for the article it was based on in the London Review of Books.
Really? Haven't heard any of that? You might need to read a little more before feeling qualified to write a paper on anything. Oh no. Jews have tremendous interest in U.S. banks and corporations. I believe I mentioned that. Here's a good book to bring you up to pace with what you didn't read over the past nine years. It will make your paper much better than it would be if you wrote it now.
OK, michael jackson. Maybe I'm jusssignan. Ever heard of a neoconservative? Start here. You should find it more interesting than looking into your family tree. Things are not always as they appear to be, but somehow, I think you already know all about it. I guess even if you give up the religion, the lies are deeply woven into your DNA. Keep it up. You can be a lobbyist someday.
Zionist Israel is at the core of the powers that he’s talking about. Zionists (not all Jews are Zionists and many Jews are opposed to the Zionist agenda) believe that their messiah is prophesied to emerge from this newly created state of Israel. This man is prophesied to rise to power and eventually rule the entire world from Israel. I cannot make this shit up!
Israel was created and populated by European Zionists in order to facilitate this messianic process. Pro-Israel Zionists control the media industry around the world in order to control the messages being consumed by television, radio, and internet consumers. This is why you will never hear about Israel committing war crimes, genocide, maintaining a nuclear Arsenal, using chemical weapons in Arabs, killing children and civilians in Yemen and Syria, etc. because anything Israel does is buried and excluded from any actual journalistic, documentarian coverage in order to preserve the image of Israel as the rightful home of the Jewish diaspora ( which are largely not genetically descended from the region of Palestine now labeled Israel).
These same Zionists control banking and currency issuance around the world except in countries like China and Russia which are aware of the Zionist agenda and do limited business with them and tightly restrict their influence.
But in America, Zionists rely on the mostly Christian population to unwittingly support Israel due to their messianic belief that “Jesus” will someday emerge from Israel and do whatever they think he will do 🤣.
So Israel is propped up and protected by America because Zionists are duping Americans into supporting their activities.
And most Americans have zero idea what is actually going on. They sit at home and watch Fox News or msnbc and take sides and fight each other pointlessly while the country spends $800 billion a year on a fruitless military industrial complex that is guided by what Israel directs them to do.
If you don’t believe any of this, do your own research and educate yourself on who controls the media and who profits from American military activity in the Middle East and who owns the banking system, federal reserve, etc.
It’s fucking clear as day what’s going on!
The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy https://www.amazon.com/dp/0374177724/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_navT_a_PABBN0YYFRYJ9DN8SFE1
>Iran doesn't have a "one China" type policy
Yes but to the Israelis who cooked up this, it effectively is viewed that way.
The author of Treacherous Alliance
>"[I]t wasn’t Iran that turned the Israeli-Iranian cold war warm – it was Israel . . . The Israeli reversal on Iran was partially motivated by the fear that its strategic importance would diminish significantly in the post-cold war middle east if the then president (1989-97) Hashemi Rafsanjani’s outreach to the Bush Sr administration was successful." https://www.opendemocracy.net/democracy-irandemocracy/israel_2974.jsp
And so,
>Israeli politicians began painting the regime in Tehran as fanatical and irrational. Clearly, they maintained, finding an accommodation with such “mad mullahs” was a non-starter. Instead, they called on the US to classify Iran, along with Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, as a rogue state that needed to be “contained.” http://williambowles.info/iran/iran_israel_strategy.html
Profs Walt and Mearsheimer noted in their famous book on the Israel Lobby
>Although it makes good strategic sense for the United States and Iran to pursue a grand bargain, and although there is plenty of suport for that policy inside and outside of America, it is unlikely to happen anytime soon. Israel and the lobby will almost certainly try to thwart any efforts to seriously engage Iran before they get started, as they have consistently done since 1993...If the United States does launch an attack, it wll be doing so in part on Israel's behalf, and the lobby will bear significant responsibility for having pushed this dangerous policy. And it would not be in America's national interest. http://www.amazon.com/Israel-Lobby-U-S-Foreign-Policy/dp/0374177724/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/102-0338796-7996150?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1191689739&sr=1-1
Here's a good place to start. It's a thick book with no nudie pictures, but if you can get through it, it could get you interested .
You should read this book: http://www.amazon.com/Israel-Lobby-U-S-Foreign-Policy/dp/0374177724
tl;dr: The Israel Lobby has a stranglehold over the US political system.
I strongly suggest this book