I use multiple translations for different purposes. Translation isn’t an exact science so it’s always good to compare verses in different versions every now and then.
NASB - accurate and a more literal translation. I use it when I’m studying a specific topic or verse and I need a more literal word-for-word translation. I also often use it to compare to the following less literal versions.
NLT - accurate but less literal (not word-for-word translation). This is my favorite translation out of all of them because I like the way it flows.
NET - accurate and literal translation. Originally I only used it because the pdf Bible I found was in this version but on their website and in the Bible app they have really extensive translation notes that I find useful when studying.
NIV - accurate but less literal. Easy to read and very popular but I only use it because my physical Bible is in this translation.
I just got the Jesus Bible last week and it’s pretty great! They have it mostly in NIV but some of the colors (scroll down to see the options) do have ESV. The goal is to show how the whole Bible points to Jesus. There are a hundreds of full page essays throughout the Bible on specific topics related to that section and there are even more mini commentaries in the notes margin area (which is a couple inches wide for you to take notes) that explain and show how those passages relate to Jesus.
I’ve spent a few hours in it since getting it and I really love the commentaries and mini essays. They’re very helpful actually and some made me think about things I didn’t when reading that section before. I’ve read nearly all of the New Testament at least twice running on three times now but I’ve always struggled with getting through some of the Old Testament, partially because of the general nature of it compared to the NT. Having constant reminders of how things connect back to Jesus though I think will make a huge difference for me.
I hope you find the next Bible for you soon!