The Journals of Lewis and Clark edited by Bernard DeVoto is a really good read.
"Did you ever have to make up your mind..." - can't be done.
I like reading historic non-fiction a lot. Two favorites I've read:
The Journals Of Lewis And Clark - Bernard DeVoto ed - It was a pretty raw endeavor.
Mountainerring In The Sierra Nevada - Clarence King - His travels with Richard Cotter surveying California. He led a double life, and was a very egalitarian fellow when compared with his contemporaries like Joseph LeConte, whose A Journal of Ramblings Through the High Sierras of California is very dry, and documents his inhumane views of the indigenous people of Cali.
If you like nail-biting chase scenes, Clarence King's journal has a doozy!
You can read out it in their own words...
I really enjoyed The Journals of Lewis and Clark and Undaunted Courage
You're really missing out on a lot of cool Native American culture. I recommend you read the Journals of Lewis and Clark. It's an easy read and will give you a good base on early American History and an account of Indian life before the large-scale influence of non-natives.