I ordered this one for my mom for Christmas:
The Ketogenic Cookbook: Nutritious Low-Carb, High-Fat Paleo Meals to Heal Your Body https://www.amazon.com/dp/1628600780?ref=yo_pop_ma_swf
I was surprised at how big it is...was expecting a flimsy little volume but it’s quite a tome with lots of recipes.
I'm actually a "re-committer" as well, and I can understand that. This time around, I made sure to buy some cookbooks and keep creating. I have made some flops, but have really come a LONG way in creating more variety for myself. I got this cookbook for Christmas this year (thank you, awesome brother) and have been working on recipes through there.
This is awesome! I'm not sure what sort of eater you are, if you can get away with eating the same foods for months on end, but if you start getting bored with the standard fare, I'd head on over to /r/ketorecipes, or pick up a copy of The Ketogenic Cookbook, if you're more experienced cooking, and try out some things you see there.
Personally, I try two new recipes per grocery shopping trip (~1 per week). If I like them, they tend to become part of my new standard, and if I don't, I don't sweat it. Even before keto, this is how I kept myself from eating out when I got bored with what was around the house.
I have this one: http://www.amazon.com/The-Ketogenic-Cookbook-Nutritious-Low-Carb/dp/1628600780
It does contain a fair number of recipes that call for Stevia and eurythiol that I'd sooner skip. It's a big book with great pictures.
I've gotten a few recipes from the Atkins website. They publish the macros per serving.
I really like The Ketogenic Cookbook, though I honestly haven't cooked much of it yet. It has a good primer in the opening chapters about the keto diet in general, what things to eat, what to stay away from, etc. Then, it is broken down into sections such as Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snacks, Appetizers, etc...all full of gorgeous looking photos of the items and notes/nutritional info. I'm really waiting for the weather to get cooler so that I can give her keto bread (for grilled cheese) and pizza crust recipe (using egg protein, not cauli/almond/coconut/etc) a shot!
I bought this book about a month ago, and it has been awesome. There are a lot of good meals in it, including snacks, desserts, and even 'bread'.
I got this book for Christmas and I really enjoy it and the recipes within.
To Dad, as I am Dad of 2 with a currently breastfeeding wife, LEARN TO COOK. It makes everything much easier. I have really increased my cooking skill and have made some awesome food. I have had people ask for recipes after eating at our house.
My wife is dairy free while breastfeeding, so this makes getting fat a little more difficult, but there are plenty of resources here to find options. She also really watches her hydration. Keto dropping the water weight and the breastfeeding.
I started with Gordon Ramsey videos he and have found some more resources. You have to tweak recipes to fit your macros, but it can be done!
Start with scrambled eggs this way and you will not go back hahaha
THE KETOGENIC COOKBOOK - a friend gave this to me and it has much more "fancy" keto meals. I make them when we have dinner guests and I stay keto but the meals are good enough for others to eat and not even realize it is keto.