I own The Key to Chinese Cooking by Irene Kuo. It's out of print but used copies look pretty cheap. I got it at the Strand for $15 and there were a few other copies, if anyone else is in New York.
>廉I'm actually not too clear on. 恥就是「恥辱」的恥。I think it means 面子
I don't think 面子 by itself means embarrassment. Perhaps "respect" or "face." I usually hear it used negatively, but it can also be used to mean "save face" or "preserve self-respect." ”保存面子“或者”保持面子“ as opposed to “没面子” or “丢面子” meaning "no shame" or "loose face." To my understanding, 恥辱is more like "defeat" (KIND OF LIKE HOW THE BRUINS FEEL BURN. sorry had to), but that might just be modern colloquial?
> 我在两个方面都很差。你太谦虚了!
>嗯中国城没有那麽特别,但是那里有真宗中国菜,所以我常常去买东西或吃一顿饭。对於老城新城,我觉得两个都可以,depends what kind of food you want and how good the chef is... 比如说香港点心,万寿宫、名轩还好。两个都在“新城”(新城表示chinatown square 那个地方对吧?)的附近。。
我也没觉得中国诚有什么特别的饭馆,但是老诚有个小点心店叫“Chui Quo Bakery“。我最喜欢是它们的肉松包(当然,它们的点心都好吃极了)。这个店以外,我也没有很深得印象对那里的饭馆。只有些随随便便吃饭的地方。我说的“新诚”是Chinatown Square.
>你喜欢吃什麽菜?北方菜, 有一家叫「北国饭店」,by 31st and halsted, 那里的小笼包不错,週末有豆浆油条。在郊区有一些好的,都在Westmont 的附近,那边有些台湾饭店,也很便宜的。Also the new Korean place in "old chinatown" is actually quite good!
我喜欢山东湖南菜(北京菜应该算是山东菜吧?)你去没去过“Katy's Dumpling's" in Westmont? 我对韩国和台湾的菜不是特别的熟悉。
>I didnt think you quit
Sorry forgot I never mentioned I went to Chinese school. I hated it. As a 7 year old I never understood why I had to sit in a hot class room on Saturday while all my friends were chilling in their backyards.
>it's much easier to pay someone else to make the food for me, I guess I'm lazy... this is the one i got: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0394496388/ref=wms_ohs_product_img?ie=UTF8&psc=1[1]
Damn no preview. Oh well. I am looking into an English one. Understandable though, Chinese food can be obnoxious to make. Some families cook in the garage because it's so messy. Learning is a must for me though because I'm horribly picky.
>I took classes with private tutors at first, which I think was very important. I had one teacher from mainland china and my current teacher is from HK (yes, part of the reason i use traditional characters, but I prefer to use them regardless as i study ancient culture and I find the system to be better). currently I don't have a chinese language class, but I study chinese calligraphy and other such courses wherein we use mandarin as a primary language, so this is greatly helping improve my vocabulary and conversational skills
Wow. Dedication. It's nice that your teachers are from China and HK though. Taiwanese instructors tend to have accents. Since your studying ancient culture, do you learn how to interpret ancient Chinese? Or is the class English based? Haha you're going to end up more eloquent than the majority of the population.
>I watched the game last night. I chose a good one to watch !
What are you a good luck charm?
>tu as raison! personnes méchants? qu'est-ce que ça veut dire!?
J'ai parlee de les "trolls" et les "grammar nazis" et les autres personalites ennuyeuse de l'internet