This one? I hadn't heard of it, but it sounds interesting. The description reminds me a little of Richard Rohr's very contemplative, mystical way of seeing Jesus and his teachings, and I do like Rohr.
As you move into the Bible itself, I'm a huge fan of The Bible Project as a reading companion. It's easy for modern readers to get bewildered when reading a set of complex ancient books, but they do a great job of helping you get into an ancient headspace to read with and see the connections and the big picture.
> I still feel in my heart Id rather be in a heterosexual relationship.
I wouldn't rush toward any really serious relationships while you're still finding your footing. Actually, all serious relationships should probably not be rushed* in any case. I'm not saying "don't date", just saying I'll be really worried if you suddenly announce "I'm engaged and we're getting married next month!"
(This is a little hypocritical for me to say, since my marriage happened fairly quickly and it's been 27 wonderful years so far)
The advice I give my (straight and gay) friends is to plan to be single, and then if somebody comes along who's so amazing that they force your plans to change - well, congratulations. At least, that's how it worked for me. In contrast, the people I know who had an attitude of "I'm going to marry somebody (not somebody specific) within the next X years" tend to shoehorn somebody into that slot to meet their goal, whether they really fit or not, and... that rarely works out well.