As it happens there is a book about this very subject! I recommend looking into that for further detail. But right away we can rule out any man-eating or predatory beast, such things are never kosher. Things that crawl on their bellies like worms, bugs (with four specific exceptions which are generally understood to be crickets, two types of locust, and one type of grasshopper) and most reptiles are also not kosher.
So in short it'll be:
Land creatures that eat plants, chew their cud, and have split hooves-- a creature that has a mix of hooves and paws is a no-go.
Birds with a crop, a gizzard, and a vestigial finger and that are not birds of prey or scavengers.
Sea creatures with both fins and scales.
Interestingly, this means that there's one possibly unexpected kosher mythological animal: sea serpents, assuming they have fins of some kind, as most do.