“The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Creating a Champion”
I highly recommend it! There’s so many amazing facts and illustrations ☺️
Link to how the book looks like: https://www.amazon.com/Legend-Zelda-Breath-Wild-Creating-Champion/dp/1506710107
MSRP is $40 in the US, but hardly any place will sell it for that. As others stated, it is $24 on Amazon at the moment, which is about the price I've paid for all the other Legend of Zelda books.
So the Ocarina is from the Zelda game Ocarina of Time. You said he's played Skyward Sword Twilight Princess and breath of the wild? And that he especially enjoyed breath of the wild...
This is basically a book that has a lot of lore stuff about breath of the wild. Explanations of locations, events, concept art the works.
It's kind of pricey but it's something that most fans of breath of the wild will enjoy.
The English version of the book is called “Creating a Champion” here’s an amazon link (assuming you’re in the US)
Gonna copy and paste my earlier text:
“The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Creating a Champion”
I highly recommend it! There’s so many amazing facts and illustrations ☺️
Link to how the book looks like: https://www.amazon.com/Legend-Zelda-Breath-Wild-Creating-Champion/dp/1506710107
Wait, I can't find the Amazon link. Can you link me?
Edit: Never mind, found it. I had no idea that they renamed it to "Breath of the Wild - Creating a Champion"!
That book was made before botw. This image its probably from creating a champion
There's more than a couple versions of the Legend of Zelda official guide. What's the difference between:
I'm more than slightly confused. Also this, but I think it's something different.
Oops, I thought I was linking to it. Well, here's the Link: https://www.amazon.com/Legend-Zelda-Breath-Wild-Creating-Champion/dp/1506710107/ref=pd_bxgy_14_2?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=1506710107&pd_rd_r=A7BD4YPM1HRGK1TFYD53&pd_rd_w=MqAef&pd_rd_wg=Uhdtl&psc=1&refRID=A7BD4YPM1HRGK1TFYD53
It’s $18.99 on amazon.
Should I get this? It's currently $33.08 CAD for Pre-order at Amazon Canada.
It's the breath of the wild: creating a champion book. Bookshop dot org costs more than amazon but supports local bookstores. Amazon link if you can't spare it.
The book Creating a Champion covers this in detail. Most of the Calamity happened in Central Hyrule and its close neighbouring areas. The guardians didnt reach the far away towns like Gerudo Town and Hateno Village.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild--Creating a Champion https://www.amazon.com/dp/1506710107/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apan_i_T0HFBF2JZW1GDSE2KN66
Gorgeous book with a lot of pictures, and a lot of little-known background and development trivia!
Also, I don't know if this would interest him, but I've seen a lot of parents here saying their kids really love it and hey, it's free:
I personally own this link figure, I bought it in a store in Seattle but its available here: https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/144838
(Yes I prefer big bad toy store for figures since it’s ten times more reliable than amazon or ebay etc). If you look around the website they have more collector edition botw figures from the same set. Yes the stand of that Link figure does light up.
I also own this super cool book you can find here https://www.amazon.com/Legend-Zelda-Breath-Wild-Creating-Champion/dp/1506710107 which has a bunch of the development artwork and explanations as to why things were designed the way they were, super interesting read but I wouldn’t buy until you’re super far in the game to avoid spoilers.
I also own a breath of the wild beanie I cant find on the internet, sorry, I also bought that in Seattle.
Deal link: Amazon
Not sure if technically it is, but it looks pretty much like the other 3.
Something I better see in this book or else it doesn't matter
Amazon link. Price is currently $23.99