St Dominic of Prussia had the exact same problem!
Try the <strong>Life Of Christ Rosary</strong>. It's my preferred way of praying the rosary.
You still pray the the Hail Marys, but after "Blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus" a clause (some in this thread call them interjections, but clause is the usual term) is inserted like this ...
>Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed are thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus, conceived in you by the Holy Spirit during the annunciation of the angel.
You then pray the "Holy Mary, Mother of God" (or you can wait and pray it at the end of each decade). There are clauses for all fifty beads.
Another aspect of this rosary that I love is that you go through Christ's life in five decades with a total of fifty mysteries.
You can use the website to pray it, download and print a copy, or pray it on your kindle.