It's a non fiction book talking about the coalescing problems of war, disease, and our dependence on oil. Gave me panic attacks. It was the basis of his book A World Made by Hand which was a really fun read about how people survived the general societal collapse.
I expect it to go to something like out of Ayn Rand (no, not a fan). I can see it now: "Well its not fair that you lost your job to the virus/automation/phase of the moon so under the Life is Fair Act you can't evict/foreclose and *must* modify payments out to 50 years etc except in X condition" where X condition creates a limited amount of foreclosures which are scooped up prior to market by whoever the new Blackstone will be. This is no matter the election results, certain people have this totalitarian mindset about the virus and want to make it a permanent emergency which means the economy cannot function as normal ever. They've already been predicting it as a new seasonal thing like the flu and I suspect even if it was eradicated it would be reintroduced, so it really isn't going to go away probably ever. I'll have to re-read the "The Long Emergency" by Kunstler substituting "peak oil" with "virus" and see If I notice any parallels.
For the rest of the century The Long Emergency: