If you're interested in this, I can't recommend Moitessier's book, La Longue Route, enough.
The book “the long way” is a must read for sailors
Can recommend the documentary about the first Golden Globe winner, Sir Robin.
One of my sailing heroes, Bernard Moitessier might have won that race...but decided to do another half-loop around and head back to the South Pacific instead of rainy England. His book "The long way" is my favourite sailing book. So many great quotes in that book:
>“There are two terrible things for a man: not to have fulfilled his dream, and to have fulfilled it.”
>“I hate storms, but calms undermine my spirits.”
>“If I do have to sight land, I like it to be from as far off as possible.”
>“People often imagine that sailors are a breed of supermen; that we almost never sleep, spend all our time handling sails, never get a hot meal. If they only knew!”
I enjoyed Moitessier's The Long Way :)
Cornell's cruising atlas is super cool too...tons of info about different places and routes.
There's lot of talk about birds and his interaction with birds in this journal of someone who sailed around the world https://www.amazon.com/Long-Way-Bernard-Moitessier/dp/0924486848
The three books about the first Golden Globe solo round the world race:
The first two are autobiographical. All three are great reads about the first solo round the world race.