I'm not a health professional, so take this as you will.
If i were diagnosed with any type of cancer, I would load up on substances which have been shown in vitro, or in animal trials to have immune boosting and anti-cancer effects.
Resveratrol, Fucoidan, Turmeric/Curcumin, Quercetin all come to mind. There are many studies on these substances and their immune boosting and anti-cancer effects available on PubMed. There are lots of great books on them available on amazon as well, which more or less summarize the research in a readable and understandable way.
The essential mineral Selenium is absolutely critical for a good immune system, I'd look to supplement that heavily (up to 1mg / day) from a formulation that had good bioavailability/absorbability. N-Acetyl-Cysteine is also excellent for your immune system, specifically helping you create more Glutothione. Supplementing with Glutothione sublingually itself would also probably be wise. Alpha-Lipoic Acid is great for the immune system as well.
It would also be prudent, IMO, to get on a ketogenic diet ASAP, and stay away from well-done red meat (acrylamides), fried food of any kind, and nitrates (preservatives in meat, usually deli-meat).
In addition to providing the body with the raw materials it needs and removing things from the diet that cause inflammation/irritation/toxicity to the body, a positive mental attitude and the reduction of chronic stress is also important. Try to structure the day for 30 minutes of exercise/intense activity, and 23.5 hours of rest, concentrating on lowering stress levels during that 23.5 hours (deep breathing especially, but also massage, spa, meditation, comedy clubs, funny movies, laughter with friends, or whatever works for that person to release stress and establish a positive mental attitude).