The Loophole by Ellen Cassidy is amazing, I was struggling with flaws and NA/SA and now I'm drilling almost perfect within a week. here's the link:\_1\_1?dchild=1&keywords=the+loophole&qid=1627266276&sr=8-1
Here’s the link to it on amazon. It’s 40 bucks
I highly recommend it. I didn’t mention this in my original post, but I also liked the book because it felt like I was completing a LR workbook and I have always preferred workbooks when learning something new. It has drills to complete throughout the book rather than just being a lengthy, dull prep book. It’s kind of hard to describe, but I really liked the format.
Excellent start with your diagnostic now is the time to execute for your target 🎯 score.
Read the post I made . I had a schedule along with thorough review
loophole The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning
7Sage Logic games
The Trainer [By Mike Kim ] The LSAT Trainer: A Remarkable Self-Study Guide For The Self-Driven Student 2nd Edition (Paperback)【2018】by Mike Kim (Author) (Paperback)
Lsat Journal Lsat Wrong Answer Journal : Ability To See Why Each Answer Choice Is Wrong or Right ( LSAT EXAM TRACKER)
Initial diagnostic only indicate where your starting point need to be. This a marathon not a sprint and there needs to be a plan on execution in place.
Step 2. Fundamentals are important before doing timed PT as there is limited.
Read the post I made . I had a schedule along with thorough review
loophole The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning
7Sage Logic games
The Trainer [By Mike Kim ] The LSAT Trainer: A Remarkable Self-Study Guide For The Self-Driven Student 2nd Edition (Paperback)【2018】by Mike Kim (Author) (Paperback)
Lsat Journal Lsat Wrong Answer Journal : Ability To See Why Each Answer Choice Is Wrong or Right ( LSAT EXAM TRACKER)
Initial diagnostic only indicate where your starting point need to be. This a marathon not a sprint and there needs to be a plan on execution in place.
Step 2. Fundamentals are important before doing timed PT as there is limited.
Read the post I made . I had a schedule along with thorough review
loophole The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning
7Sage Logic games
The Trainer [By Mike Kim ] The LSAT Trainer: A Remarkable Self-Study Guide For The Self-Driven Student 2nd Edition (Paperback)【2018】by Mike Kim (Author) (Paperback)
Lsat Journal Lsat Wrong Answer Journal : Ability To See Why Each Answer Choice Is Wrong or Right ( LSAT EXAM TRACKER)
Read the post I made . I had a schedule along with thorough review
loophole The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning
7Sage Logic games
The Trainer [By Mike Kim ] The LSAT Trainer: A Remarkable Self-Study Guide For The Self-Driven Student 2nd Edition (Paperback)【2018】by Mike Kim (Author) (Paperback)
Lsat Journal Lsat Wrong Answer Journal : Ability To See Why Each Answer Choice Is Wrong or Right ( LSAT EXAM TRACKER)
And for logic games, these two links\_Trv7khQ
and Powerscore Logi Games Bible\_1\_2\_sspa?crid=3H4KWHH1R9ZNN&keywords=powerscore+lsat+logic+games+bible&qid=1671768002&sprefix=powerscore%2Caps%2C140&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1&a...
"Loophole" is a great (but little-known) book that'll help you improve on logical reasoning
This is an excellent and very new course on logic games
"Loophole" is a great but little-known book that'll help you improve on logical reasoning
This is an excellent course on logic games
Not sure, but with regard to logical reasoning this book is excellent
This book! Good luck studying!
Start studying for the lsat right now. Sign up for 7 sage and watch the videos and buy the book The Loophole by ellen cassidy.
Here are the links:
Id say aim to write the august test, depending on your score you will have three rewrites after that you can use.
You typically want to have all your applications in as early as possible to get reviewed early in the cycle. I highly recommend applying as soon as the school applications open — this will likely be September. In your application, you will indicate that you are still studying and are going to rewrite the LSAT (if you are). I applied only in bc, I needed to send official transcripts during the initial application and a few schools I submitted updated transcripts in January. You will need to have a personal statement and two letters of reference. The letters of reference were the same for every school — but at least in bc every application had different formats and lengths for the personal statement. Don’t underestimate how much work goes into these essays, they can make or break the application. I would start writing them now so you have a few months of revisions.
First thing to do is write the a practice lsat blind to get your starting score. If you are lucky, you can expect to swing about 15-20 points from diligent study. This means if you score a 140 on the practice, you likely will have a difficult time scoring over 160. Anything is possible though! Once you start studying you will get a better idea about how realistic your chances at schools are.
Most schools i looked at publish a metric to determine if you are a competitive applicant. Some schools discount your worse credits, however, applying in your third year means you won’t get any significant drops in your gpa calculation. With that said, after this term and you have your gpa it will be pretty easy to determine what LSAT score you need to be competitive at the school of your choice. All this info can be found on
Good luck!
I think I got mine from Amazon,
Thanks dude! I’ll be completely honest: 1) I have adhd and anxiety, so I was able to get an accommodation for extra time which, naturally, is incredibly helpful. 2) I take adderall everyday so that helps me stay focused. I do have a job but for the summer I’m only working 18 hours a week and I get off at 5 so that leaves me like 2-3 hours to study after work, but on days off I’ll usually try to study for like 4+ hours - usually taking practice tests and reading the LR loophole book (I swear this isn’t an ad for that book).
So, before my February test I did the powerscore course and that was very helpful because the structure of the course was exactly what I needed to keep me on task. I liked how there would be “homework” assignments based off what we had been talking about in class. That course was pretty pricy at about $1,100 but I just thought of it as an investment that would hopefully save me money in the long run.
When my powerscore subscription ended I bought the logical reasoning loophole book, since that was my worst section, and have been reading through it religiously. After my powerscore subscription ended I decided to pay the $69/month for 7sage ultimate+, to get access to all of their tests, practice sections, and video explanations, the latter of which is by far the most helpful part of their service.
Honestly, part of me feels bad because I know other people have been putting in far more work than I have for longer periods of time, but I just try to force myself to study even when I really don’t want to. And I never want to. Also, I’m a strong believer of giving yourself breaks. I try to take one day off a week just to let my brain rest.
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask me! I’m no expert by any means, but I’ll gladly help however I can.
Good luck with your studies! You’ve got this!
✔️Regroup/ take a run smile you got this
This a marathon not a sprint and there needs to be a plan on execution in place. I was able to jump with a lot of work of course from 145 to 172 on test day.
Step 2. Fundamentals are important before doing timed PT as there is limited.
Read the post I made . I had a schedule along with thorough review. These are the resources I used:
loophole The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning
7Sage Logic games
The Trainer [By Mike Kim ] The LSAT Trainer: A Remarkable Self-Study Guide For The Self-Driven Student 2nd Edition (Paperback)【2018】by Mike Kim (Author) (Paperback)
Lsat Journal Lsat Wrong Answer Journal : Ability To See Why Each Answer Choice Is Wrong or Right ( LSAT EXAM TRACKER)
Lsat PrepTest Productivity Log (BlindReview Tracker)
Drilling Logic’s games allllll day
Lsat Logic Games Productivity Log : (FOOLPROOF TRACKER) Ability To Repeat Games Until TARGET TIME IS ACHIEVED
This a marathon not a sprint and there needs to be a plan on execution in place. I was able to jump with a lot of work of course from 145 to 172 on test day.
Step 2. Fundamentals are important before doing timed PT as there is limited.
Read the post I made . I had a schedule along with thorough review. These are the resources I used:
loophole The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning
7Sage Logic games
The Trainer [By Mike Kim ] The LSAT Trainer: A Remarkable Self-Study Guide For The Self-Driven Student 2nd Edition (Paperback)【2018】by Mike Kim (Author) (Paperback)
Lsat Journal Lsat Wrong Answer Journal : Ability To See Why Each Answer Choice Is Wrong or Right ( LSAT EXAM TRACKER)
Lsat PrepTest Productivity Log (BlindReview Tracker)
Drilling Logic’s games allllll day
Lsat Logic Games Productivity Log : (FOOLPROOF TRACKER) Ability To Repeat Games Until TARGET TIME IS ACHIEVED
You have an amazing diagnostic. I used this approach to maintain form and score 172. This a marathon not a sprint and there needs to be a plan on execution in place.
Step 2. Fundamentals are important before doing timed PT as there is limited. You have the fundamentals already just need helps to refocus
Read the post I made . I had a schedule along with thorough review
loophole The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning
7Sage Logic games
The Trainer [By Mike Kim ] The LSAT Trainer: A Remarkable Self-Study Guide For The Self-Driven Student 2nd Edition (Paperback)【2018】by Mike Kim (Author) (Paperback)
Lsat Journal Lsat Wrong Answer Journal : Ability To See Why Each Answer Choice Is Wrong or Right ( LSAT EXAM TRACKER)
Drilling Logic games and maintenance
Lsat Logic Games Productivity Log : (FOOLPROOF TRACKER) Ability To Repeat Games Until TARGET TIME IS ACHIEVED
Initial diagnostic only indicate where your starting point need to be. This a marathon not a sprint and there needs to be a plan on execution in place.
Step 2. Fundamentals are important before doing timed PT as there is limited.
Read the post I made . I had a schedule along with thorough review
loophole The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning
7Sage Logic games
The Trainer [By Mike Kim ] The LSAT Trainer: A Remarkable Self-Study Guide For The Self-Driven Student 2nd Edition (Paperback)【2018】by Mike Kim (Author) (Paperback)
Lsat Journal Lsat Wrong Answer Journal : Ability To See Why Each Answer Choice Is Wrong or Right ( LSAT EXAM TRACKER)
And since you got 3/23 correct you need to DRILLLL LOGIC games using the foolproof method until you get 0. I used this book to get there
Lsat Logic Games Productivity Log : (FOOLPROOF TRACKER) Ability To Repeat Games Until TARGET TIME IS ACHIEVED
Fundamentals are important before doing timed PT as there is limited. I use the first 20 preptest for sections and detail review to get ALL THE BASIC then I used the following books to eventually score 172
Read the post I made . I had a schedule along with thorough review
loophole The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning
7Sage Logic games
The Trainer [By Mike Kim ] The LSAT Trainer: A Remarkable Self-Study Guide For The Self-Driven Student 2nd Edition (Paperback)【2018】by Mike Kim (Author) (Paperback)
Lsat Journal Lsat Wrong Answer Journal : Ability To See Why Each Answer Choice Is Wrong or Right ( LSAT EXAM TRACKER)
Drill Logic games
Lsat Logic Games Productivity Log : (FOOLPROOF TRACKER) Ability To Repeat Games Until TARGET TIME IS ACHIEVED
Fundamentals are important before doing timed PT as there is limited.
Read the post I made . I had a schedule along with thorough review
loophole The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning
7Sage Logic games
The Trainer [By Mike Kim ] The LSAT Trainer: A Remarkable Self-Study Guide For The Self-Driven Student 2nd Edition (Paperback)【2018】by Mike Kim (Author) (Paperback)
Lsat Journal Lsat Wrong Answer Journal : Ability To See Why Each Answer Choice Is Wrong or Right ( LSAT EXAM TRACKER)
Lsat Logic Games Productivity Log : (FOOLPROOF TRACKER) Ability To Repeat Games Until TARGET TIME IS ACHIEVED
At your score YOU HAVE the fundamentals and then some down. The kicker is to break into 170 your review process has to be solid .
Read the post I made . I had a schedule along with thorough review
loophole The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning
7Sage Logic games
The Trainer [By Mike Kim ] The LSAT Trainer: A Remarkable Self-Study Guide For The Self-Driven Student 2nd Edition (Paperback)【2018】by Mike Kim (Author) (Paperback)
Lsat Journal Lsat Wrong Answer Journal : Ability To See Why Each Answer Choice Is Wrong or Right ( LSAT EXAM TRACKER)
Start with a diagnostic Initial diagnostic only indicate where your starting point need to be. This a marathon not a sprint and there needs to be a plan on execution in place.
Step 2. Fundamentals are important before doing timed PT as there is limited.
Read the post I made . I had a schedule along with thorough review
loophole The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning
7Sage Logic games
The Trainer [By Mike Kim ] The LSAT Trainer: A Remarkable Self-Study Guide For The Self-Driven Student 2nd Edition (Paperback)【2018】by Mike Kim (Author) (Paperback)
Lsat Journal Lsat Wrong Answer Journal : Ability To See Why Each Answer Choice Is Wrong or Right ( LSAT EXAM TRACKER)
I think your in the review stage where you already have the fundamentals and need to focus on why you getting things incorrect. Step 2. Fundamentals are important before doing timed PT as there is limited.
Read the post I made . I had a schedule along with thorough review
loophole The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning
7Sage Logic games
The Trainer [By Mike Kim ] The LSAT Trainer: A Remarkable Self-Study Guide For The Self-Driven Student 2nd Edition (Paperback)【2018】by Mike Kim (Author) (Paperback)
Lsat Journal Lsat Wrong Answer Journal : Ability To See Why Each Answer Choice Is Wrong or Right ( LSAT EXAM TRACKER)
I personally tried blueprint in class session by UCLA it was not a great fit. 💨 forward 2019 and now 2020 7Sage among others to me on a rewarding journey.
This a marathon not a sprint and there needs to be a plan on execution in place.
Step 2. Fundamentals are important before doing timed PT as there is limited.
Read the post I made . I had a schedule along with thorough review
loophole The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning
7Sage Logic games
The Trainer [By Mike Kim ] The LSAT Trainer: A Remarkable Self-Study Guide For The Self-Driven Student 2nd Edition (Paperback)【2018】by Mike Kim (Author) (Paperback)
Lsat Journal Lsat Wrong Answer Journal : Ability To See Why Each Answer Choice Is Wrong or Right ( LSAT EXAM TRACKER)
Start with an Initial diagnostic only to indicate where your steps need to be. The Lsat exam is a marathon not a sprint and there needs to be a plan on execution in place.
Step 2. Fundamentals are important before doing timed PT as there is limited.
Read the post I made . I had a schedule along with thorough review
loophole The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning
7Sage Logic games
The Trainer [By Mike Kim ] The LSAT Trainer: A Remarkable Self-Study Guide For The Self-Driven Student 2nd Edition (Paperback)【2018】by Mike Kim (Author) (Paperback)
Lsat Journal Lsat Wrong Answer Journal : Ability To See Why Each Answer Choice Is Wrong or Right ( LSAT EXAM TRACKER)
Fundamentals are important before doing timed PT as there is limited.
Read the post I made . I had a schedule along with thorough review
loophole The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning
7Sage Logic games
The Trainer [By Mike Kim ] The LSAT Trainer: A Remarkable Self-Study Guide For The Self-Driven Student 2nd Edition (Paperback)【2018】by Mike Kim (Author) (Paperback)
Lsat Journal Lsat Wrong Answer Journal : Ability To See Why Each Answer Choice Is Wrong or Right ( LSAT EXAM TRACKER)
Fundamentals are important before doing timed PT as there is limited.
Read the post I made . I had a schedule along with thorough review
loophole The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning
7Sage Logic games
The Trainer [By Mike Kim ] The LSAT Trainer: A Remarkable Self-Study Guide For The Self-Driven Student 2nd Edition (Paperback)【2018】by Mike Kim (Author) (Paperback)
Lsat Journal Lsat Wrong Answer Journal : Ability To See Why Each Answer Choice Is Wrong or Right ( LSAT EXAM TRACKER)
Fundamentals are important before doing timed PT as there is limited.
Read the post I made . I had a schedule along with thorough review
loophole The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning
7Sage Logic games
The Trainer [By Mike Kim ] The LSAT Trainer: A Remarkable Self-Study Guide For The Self-Driven Student 2nd Edition (Paperback)【2018】by Mike Kim (Author) (Paperback)
Lsat Journal Lsat Wrong Answer Journal : Ability To See Why Each Answer Choice Is Wrong or Right ( LSAT EXAM TRACKER)
Start with a cold diagnostic to see starting point. Fundamentals are important before doing timed PT as there is limited.
Read the post I made . I had a schedule along with thorough review
loophole The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning
7Sage Logic games
The Trainer [By Mike Kim ] The LSAT Trainer: A Remarkable Self-Study Guide For The Self-Driven Student 2nd Edition (Paperback)【2018】by Mike Kim (Author) (Paperback)
Lsat Journal Lsat Wrong Answer Journal : Ability To See Why Each Answer Choice Is Wrong or Right ( LSAT EXAM TRACKER)
Fundamentals are important before doing timed PT as there is limited.
Read the post I made . I had a schedule along with thorough review
loophole The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning
7Sage Logic games
The Trainer [By Mike Kim ] The LSAT Trainer: A Remarkable Self-Study Guide For The Self-Driven Student 2nd Edition (Paperback)【2018】by Mike Kim (Author) (Paperback)
Lsat Journal Lsat Wrong Answer Journal : Ability To See Why Each Answer Choice Is Wrong or Right ( LSAT EXAM TRACKER)
I think you are getting a lot incorrect and need to see why. Fundamentals are important before doing timed PT as there is limited.
Read the post I made to find motivation as I scored low initially . I had a schedule along with thorough review
loophole The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning
7Sage Logic games
The Trainer [By Mike Kim ] The LSAT Trainer: A Remarkable Self-Study Guide For The Self-Driven Student 2nd Edition (Paperback)【2018】by Mike Kim (Author) (Paperback)
Lsat Journal Lsat Wrong Answer Journal : Ability To See Why Each Answer Choice Is Wrong or Right ( LSAT EXAM TRACKER)
I do believe using real questions is important. Using the earlier PTs to focus fundamentals could be a start. Fundamentals are important before doing timed PT as there is limited.
Read the post I made . I had a schedule along with thorough review
loophole The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning
7Sage Logic games
The Trainer [By Mike Kim ] The LSAT Trainer: A Remarkable Self-Study Guide For The Self-Driven Student 2nd Edition (Paperback)【2018】by Mike Kim (Author) (Paperback)
Lsat Journal Lsat Wrong Answer Journal : Ability To See Why Each Answer Choice Is Wrong or Right ( LSAT EXAM TRACKER)
Fundamentals are important before doing timed PT as there is limited.
Read the post I made . I had a schedule along with thorough review
loophole The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning
7Sage Logic games
The Trainer [By Mike Kim ] The LSAT Trainer: A Remarkable Self-Study Guide For The Self-Driven Student 2nd Edition (Paperback)【2018】by Mike Kim (Author) (Paperback)
Lsat Journal Lsat Wrong Answer Journal : Ability To See Why Each Answer Choice Is Wrong or Right ( LSAT EXAM TRACKER)
Fundamentals are important before doing timed PT as there is limited.
Read the post I made . I had a schedule along with thorough review
loophole The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning
7Sage Logic games
The Trainer [By Mike Kim ] The LSAT Trainer: A Remarkable Self-Study Guide For The Self-Driven Student 2nd Edition (Paperback)【2018】by Mike Kim (Author) (Paperback)
Lsat Journal Lsat Wrong Answer Journal : Ability To See Why Each Answer Choice Is Wrong or Right ( LSAT EXAM TRACKER)
Fundamentals are important for LR before doing timed PT as there is limited.
Read the post I made . I had a schedule along with thorough review
loophole The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning
7Sage Logic games
The Trainer [By Mike Kim ] The LSAT Trainer: A Remarkable Self-Study Guide For The Self-Driven Student 2nd Edition (Paperback)【2018】by Mike Kim (Author) (Paperback)
Lsat Journal Lsat Wrong Answer Journal : Ability To See Why Each Answer Choice Is Wrong or Right ( LSAT EXAM TRACKER)
Read the post I made . I had a schedule along with thorough review
loophole The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning
7Sage Logic games
The Trainer [By Mike Kim ] The LSAT Trainer: A Remarkable Self-Study Guide For The Self-Driven Student 2nd Edition (Paperback)【2018】by Mike Kim (Author) (Paperback)
Lsat Journal Lsat Wrong Answer Journal : Ability To See Why Each Answer Choice Is Wrong or Right ( LSAT EXAM TRACKER)
Great start with your diagnostic. Read the post I made . I had a schedule along with thorough review which worked for me
loophole The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning
7Sage Logic games
The Trainer [By Mike Kim ] The LSAT Trainer: A Remarkable Self-Study Guide For The Self-Driven Student 2nd Edition (Paperback)【2018】by Mike Kim (Author) (Paperback)
Lsat Journal Lsat Wrong Answer Journal : Ability To See Why Each Answer Choice Is Wrong or Right ( LSAT EXAM TRACKER)
Read the post I made . I had a schedule along with thorough review. My studying had more reviewing than testing
loophole The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning
7Sage Logic games
The Trainer [By Mike Kim ] The LSAT Trainer: A Remarkable Self-Study Guide For The Self-Driven Student 2nd Edition (Paperback)【2018】by Mike Kim (Author) (Paperback)
Lsat Journal Lsat Wrong Answer Journal : Ability To See Why Each Answer Choice Is Wrong or Right ( LSAT EXAM TRACKER)
This is a long road took me 12 months. I think you are getting a lot incorrect and need to see why. Fundamentals are important before doing timed PT as there is limited.
Read the post I made . I had a schedule along with thorough review
loophole The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning
7Sage Logic games
The Trainer [By Mike Kim ] The LSAT Trainer: A Remarkable Self-Study Guide For The Self-Driven Student 2nd Edition (Paperback)【2018】by Mike Kim (Author) (Paperback)
Lsat Journal Lsat Wrong Answer Journal : Ability To See Why Each Answer Choice Is Wrong or Right ( LSAT EXAM TRACKER)
Read the post I made . I had a schedule along with thorough review
loophole The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning
7Sage Logic games
The Trainer [By Mike Kim ] The LSAT Trainer: A Remarkable Self-Study Guide For The Self-Driven Student 2nd Edition (Paperback)【2018】by Mike Kim (Author) (Paperback)
Lsat Journal Lsat Wrong Answer Journal : Ability To See Why Each Answer Choice Is Wrong or Right ( LSAT EXAM TRACKER)
Read the post I made . I had a schedule along with thorough review
loophole The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning
7Sage Logic games
The Trainer [By Mike Kim ] The LSAT Trainer: A Remarkable Self-Study Guide For The Self-Driven Student 2nd Edition (Paperback)【2018】by Mike Kim (Author) (Paperback)
Lsat Journal Lsat Wrong Answer Journal : Ability To See Why Each Answer Choice Is Wrong or Right ( LSAT EXAM TRACKER)
Read the post I made . I had a schedule along with thorough review
loophole The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning
7Sage Logic games
The Trainer [By Mike Kim ] The LSAT Trainer: A Remarkable Self-Study Guide For The Self-Driven Student 2nd Edition (Paperback)【2018】by Mike Kim (Author) (Paperback)
Lsat Journal Lsat Wrong Answer Journal : Ability To See Why Each Answer Choice Is Wrong or Right ( LSAT EXAM TRACKER)
Read the post I made . I had a schedule along with thorough review
loophole The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning
7Sage Logic games
The Trainer [By Mike Kim ] The LSAT Trainer: A Remarkable Self-Study Guide For The Self-Driven Student 2nd Edition (Paperback)【2018】by Mike Kim (Author) (Paperback)
Lsat Journal Lsat Wrong Answer Journal : Ability To See Why Each Answer Choice Is Wrong or Right ( LSAT EXAM TRACKER)
it’s a book! here’s the link to buy it on amazon:
I could only find it available for purchase on the American amazon website.
Before anything if you switch or try something new please do give your brain time to adjust. After all time and resources this is what made a difference for me :
Read the post I made . I had a schedule along with thorough review
loophole The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning
7Sage Logic games
The Trainer [By Mike Kim ] The LSAT Trainer: A Remarkable Self-Study Guide For The Self-Driven Student 2nd Edition (Paperback)【2018】by Mike Kim (Author) (Paperback)
Lsat Journal Lsat Wrong Answer Journal : Ability To See Why Each Answer Choice Is Wrong or Right ( LSAT EXAM TRACKER)
Read the post I made . I had a schedule along with thorough review
loophole The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning
7Sage Logic games
The Trainer [By Mike Kim ] The LSAT Trainer: A Remarkable Self-Study Guide For The Self-Driven Student 2nd Edition (Paperback)【2018】by Mike Kim (Author) (Paperback)
Lsat Journal Lsat Wrong Answer Journal : Ability To See Why Each Answer Choice Is Wrong or Right ( LSAT EXAM TRACKER)