Men fall in love faster than women
EDIT: Are you cunts serious? Yall just downvote away without offering any type of discourse? No one bothered to do a google and see if what I said had any merit, or even offered a counterpoint?
Fucking disappointing. If I was looking for that type of response, I would have said it on r/politics
EDIT2: Oh look, a Google!
> Well, it could be for biological reasons, for one. "I think women unconsciously postpone love compared to men," Harrison said. "Women have a lot more to lose reproductively by committing to the wrong man. They are born with a finite number of eggs, yet men produce millions of sperm on a daily basis."
Not a strong enough source? I get that, it is kind of a trendy site. How about Vice?
Okay yeah, Vice cant really be that reliable. If only there were something more scientific...
The study mentioned in the above artice I'm not creating an account for the full article, find it yourself.
But these are just weak sources! If you had something published by like a doctor or something, it'd be an easier idea to buy into.
And if you're a poor af college kid sipping on ramen and spam with your hand down your pants, too depressed or lazy to go anywhere and BUY A BOOK (this isnt the 1900s!), here is a link to the Art of Manliness podcast were the author is interviewed.
In the podcast, the topic comes up after the teenage brain changes and before or during the time when a man reaches adulthood.
Later, you autistic fucking virgins