I have a "Maps of Middle Earth" collections (found here on amazon), which has a great map of Middle Earth and includes the distance in miles as well. Also included in the package is a map from The Hobbit, Beleriand, and Númenor; and also a short hardcover book describing the importance of the creation of each and their geography. The maps are about 3'x3', so a fairly decent size.
They came in a set! Still pretty cheap on amazon, here's a link! https://www.amazon.com/Maps-Tolkiens-Middle-earth-Brian-Sibley/dp/061839110X
The video is accurate, it does not have the foldout maps. I personally prefer loose maps https://www.amazon.com/Maps-Tolkiens-Middle-earth-Brian-Sibley/dp/061839110X/ref=sr\_1\_4?crid=TOG5F6X8WQDW&keywords=tolkien+maps&qid=1648663917&s=books&sprefix=tolkien+maps%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C171&sr=1-4 or the atlas https://www.amazon.com/Atlas-Middle-Earth-Revised-Karen-Fonstad/dp/0618126996/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3TNK6NHUCCL7C&keywords=tolkien+atlas&qid=1648663882&s=books&sprefix=tolkien+atlas%2Cstripbooks%2C258&sr=1-1 or Journeys of Frodo which is pocketable https://www.amazon.com/Journeys-Frodo-J-R-R-Tolkiens-Beleriand-Middle/dp/B002X0MJ4A/ref=tmm\_pap\_swatch\_0?\_encoding=UTF8&qid=1648663997&sr=1-1
I found Sibley's The Maps of Tolkien's Middle-Earth to be quite helpful. Poster sized maps of Beleriand, the Hobbit area, and the LOTR area.