The Mediterranean Method is a good book on the diet and lifestyle and also has some recipes! I've really enjoyed reading it and it's very informative!
Check out The Website Oldways. They have the best information for a true Mediterranean Diet based on the studies. Also, Like another poster said OliveTomato is another good resource. I also really recommend the book The Mediterranean Method.
I find it interesting that several respondents started on the Keto diet and moved to the Mediterranean diet - as I did! It becomes obvious pretty quickly how unhealthy a Keto diet really is. I did lose weight quickly on it though.... but if you are dieting for health reasons - then the Mediterranean diet is much better.
I agree with what everyone has said here - especially PoppyVetiver.
What you didn't mention is why are you on this diet - for overall better eating - or to lose weight? If it is the latter - then I'd heavily limit your carb intake (be especially sensitive to hi-glycemic carbs. Especially don't eat any carbs for breakfast (if you eat breakfast at all). As someone who came from 40+ years of coffee and muffins for breakfast - this can be a pretty tough transition. However - I'm now on soaked chia seeds (love 'em) - non-fat greek yogurt and fresh berries for Breakfast. That and eggs 2 or 3 days a week - works well.
For losing weight it is pretty easy just to stay off carbs in general. What I do eat are masa based corn tortillas as wraps for lunch. Again - lo-glycemic is your answer.
For me - once I reach my goal weight - then I'll slowly introduce HEALTHY carbs back. Sprouted bread is best, some steel-cut oats now and then, some more farro with dinner, etc.. even a potato or my new favorite - Jicama! When I reach my goal - I'm hitting up a plate of pasta - but I'll keep portions small and only do so maybe once every 10 weeks or not.
I'm going to always recommend the book: The Mediterranean Method - Dr. Masley
So many of the mediterranean diet books are just recipes - but this book will tell you much more about the types of question you asked regarding carbs. He also lists glycemic scores in the index as well as just what good and bad foods are! Its really really good!
One other thing you should really explore are what oils to use (short answer: olive). Most people aren't aware how bad most seed based oils are.
Most of all - good luck - I not only have been tremendously successful and content on the Mediterranean diet - I consider it a lifestyle improvement I will follow the rest of my life. The good news is - I am enjoying my food more than ever!
Stats: Started in June - lost 40 lbs - 10 to go!