TL;dr - Find your personality and trade according to that.
I recently read this book:
And one thing I became aware of my personality is that my tolerance for anxiety is very very low. That means I am not made for looking at candles going up and down all the time, I will keep modifying my order again and again. The trick for me to be successful is to put on trade, go do my other things and monitor it only after every hour. And in the meantime let the price moves such that it hits the profit or SL point.
But then my anxiety again kicks in and tells me that SL might be too far or I might be financially ruined. In which case the trick is to keep my position sizes small. Instead of risking 5% on a trade I'd rather trade 1% or even 0.5%.
This means my returns aren't going to be worthy of ISB's stonk post. But in an occupation where 90% lose money I'm still better off than not losing any. Or the least not getting financially ruined.
One of the first things people talk about when they lost money is "money management" but no one wonders if trading is really for them. What you need to do is understand your personality and trading style and adapt.
Here's what you can do. Get a copy of this book: (ps: get torrent copy if you will). Go through it and understand your personality vis-a-vis trading.
One of things you might encounter is that the good doctor is confusing at times. He talks about personality as fixed but then in the same vein talks about managing your personality to trade better.
To give you an example, if you go through my threads I made decent profit in July. And then lost all my profits and then some in August. What happened was that I started July with low expectations and the returns was amazing. I then started tracking my wins/losses closely in August.
The August losses made me feel that I had broken my trading and money management rules.
But then the book opened my eyes to a truth. I have a lower threshold for anxiety. And tracking trades constantly put too much pressure on me. So even though I was very good at technical skills I lost money. even though I know money management rules - don't risk more than 3% on trade I still made some silly mistakes. And now I moved away from day trading, constant tracking. Once I put up a trade I track it only every 2/3 hrs and even then I complete my checks within 5 mins. Now I am back on my feet and raking the greens.