Leadership book based lessons from a delta force commander. Really good at setting priorities.
This probably isn't the right place to post, this has been on my mind, I will update ASAP with links where needed. But idk where else to get these thoughts out and hopefully be seen by enough people - Mods if there is a better place let me know or users. I am part of NAFO. I usually fight trolls on youtube spreading lies but am happy to send lots of proof I am no pathetic kremlin online propagandist
I have donated to Ukraine, I am becoming a tutor. I attend rallies. I write congress. This isn't a pat on the back, it is how powerless and voiceless I feel in helping. I had/have mental health issues (I am happy to discuss in DMs) which disqualify me anywhere close to combat otherwise I would - or I hope my words here and the future I see would give me the courage to. I was looking at the conflict purely militarily before, and I thought hey it is going well. I watched Denys Davydov's video last night, and the humanitarian side really struck me. I know about the war crimes, the genocide, it makes me sick, but I thought Ukraine will win, we will get justice in some form.
Yes, busy in the comfort of my western average apartment it's easy to get lost in the day to day problems of work, bills, whatever, but a whole generation of Ukrainians are losing education, barely surviving, and being traumatized and maimed. I hope whatever force that is greater than myself, maybe that's God for you, changes and stops the harm to Ukrainians immediately.
As has been stated but has never been clearer to me now than before is Ukraine IS FIGHTING FOR ALL OF US. This is the future I see. Call me a doomer. I would love to hear why it's not true, I hoped sharing some thoughts might help spread ideas. I was an IR major at Stanford, so this event and proceedings have fascinated me from the start. I spend probably 3 hours a day after work reading about it - I am again not trying to claim to be an expert, it's just the tide and vision I have seen in articles and comments on these subs.
I fear and see a world where Putler and Authoritarianism wins - stated simply we don’t want to escalate. What does Russia have even left to escalate? They are holding the entire country hostage, threatening the lives of every civilian across multiple countries. Oh but the nukes - Putler won't nuke anything because that will lose a lot of powerful people a lot of money. Putler isn't immune to the Rules for Rulers (highly recommended CGP grey video).There are reasons for purges amongst FSB and Military, he thinks he is smart enough to control those in his dictatorship, but if he loses energy (the treasure) then he has issues, he can't pay everyone he needs to keep paying. I am not saying ignore nukes, but I've watched a recent dissent shift in Russian propaganda shows some don't agree to decimate cities. Nukes and western retaliation will ruin so much shadow & real wealth we can’t even fathom. Hell I see China even invading Russia if they nuke anything.
I don’t see the UAF or Ukrainian people ever quitting, but I fear the west will quit and will betray Ukraine. Puter is attempting to cause a massive humanitarian crisis into the EU after already killing countless in Ukraine. I see us already asking him to talk to Russia, this serves only Russia. Eventually we will stop asking and start threatening to withhold aid unless he talks to Russia and unless he considers concessions, because its hurting average western citizens and the economy, if politician A won’t stop the war, politician B will be the hardliner, tough part of Democracies we rely on the average person seeing the bigger picture rather than the day to day.
The only way the war is won for Ukraine, the world, Democracy, and yes average tax payers is Russia returning all territory including Crimea, many friends disagree with me on this, they must now know Ruissa they way all of you do by now I hope. Putler nearly needs to wait for the right politicians and they will gladly stop hosting Ukrainians, sending aid, and never want to “escalate.” He knows one group of leaders will gladly send Ukrainians back to their destroyed country now starved of resources because that's what Russia wanted from the beginning, it’s always about money. Ukraine after all they have shown us, will be left without resources, the West will foot the bill or bailout, and by that I mean the average tax payers, as an American I know how that goes - wrap some good PR around it and give one of your democracies key to power a cushy contract to fix Ukrainian infrastructure. The West, Rules Based Order, America, we will all look weak, and the playbook has been written numerous times now.
Closing thoughts: If bombing a nuclear power plant (fallout would kill NATO people) isn’t escalation for NATO to end the war ASAP I don’t know what is. NATO doesn’t even need to join but it would be cleaner if they did and save lives faster, just send them what they actually want, ATACMS, F-16’s, long range missiles, air defense to protect civilians They can end the war before Russia regroups and prolongs to reach their objectives stated above if we stop talking and start taking action. I hope I am wrong, please don’t call me a hawk either, this is the only war from a U.S. perspective in my lifetime that feels like doing good and not making Haliburton giga-rich. I know how bad losing soldiers has changed this country, a great book to read called The Mission, The Men, and Me. We were so casualty adverse to send in 4 delta force soldiers to recon UBL’s house, we sent $75 million dollar cruise missiles at empty training camps and forced him underground. This was 1998. I have veteran friends, they have lots of opinions on Iraq & Afghanistan. They aren’t active duty anymore but they sure seem united on using our weaponry built against the USSR to stop authoritarianism.
Thanks for reading.
The Men, The Mission, and Me. Great book on leadership told through real life stories.
The Mission, the Men, and Me: Lessons from a Former Delta Force Commander https://www.amazon.com/dp/0425236579/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_PK3G5GC45YFT67GNMPHN
I would say dependent on the field but this guy has some radical thoughts on leadership:
I am the head of a team of about 10 and I had "The Mission, The Men, and Me" recommended by a peer. There are a lot of military lessons that can be taken laterally and applied across the spectrum to business and leadership.