I don't know the exact context of your program, but I can tell you this.
Mastering the contents in that book will bring you maybe 1% closer to being able to pentest a mobile application. Maybe.
Something like https://www.amazon.com/Mobile-Application-Hackers-Handbook/dp/1118958500 would get you at least 85% closer to being able to pentest a mobile app. Yeah the book is old and parts of it is out of date, but it would give you an idea of the steps involved and techniques used.
Now, I know there's more to cyber security than pentesting, I'm just pointing out that there are better ways to spend your time than learning descriptive logic.
Source: at least 1 or 2 mobile/web app pentests every month for the past 3+ years
Check out the OWASP Mobile Security Testing Guide and the Mobile Application Hacker's Handbook.
I'd suggest "The Mobile Application Hacker's Handbook" (http://www.amazon.com/The-Mobile-Application-Hackers-Handbook/dp/1118958500).
Combine it with "The Web Application Hacker's Handbook" (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1118026470/) and you should have a pretty good handle on testing mobile security, including the backend stuff.
These are both from a "breakers" point of view, but they go into how to secure/prevent the various attacks they teach, so are a very good source for developers.
As some general tips and what to look for, especially concerning secure communications, look into certificate pinning, message signing, and don't store anything sensitive on the device without encryption (or on the server).
Source: I break mobile apps and websites for a living
http://www.amazon.com/The-Mobile-Application-Hackers-Handbook/dp/1118958500 and http://www.amazon.com/Android-Hackers-Handbook-Joshua-Drake/dp/111860864X will get you started with Mobile and I would look at The Ethical Hacker's handbook and My Friend Rafay's great book https://www.crcpress.com/Ethical-Hacking-and-Penetration-Testing-Guide/Baloch/9781482231618 for a general introduction.