That said, there are also groups outside the church that are finding Heavenly Mother in the translation of various apocrypha. Margret Barker, who often is invited to speak at BYU and other church related events is an accomplished Methodist Theologian and has written extensively on the topic of "a Mother in Heaven".\_1\_1?crid=228KNJ2QV7E1L&keywords=margaret+barker&qid=1648989044&sprefix=margaret+barker%2Caps%2C103&sr=8-1
I think it is simply that official church doctrine on Heavenly Mother will only come through revelation to the brethren. I am quite confident that there are many who have sought to know their Heavenly Mother through personal prayer (to Heavenly Father) and study and those individuals likely understand more than the brethren.
That said, there are also a lot of people who think they know and are way off base. I am confident that if you seek her, you will find her and that doing so is worth the effort. Yet, doing so is likely such a powerful and beautiful spiritual experience that it is not something you would likely run around telling others about other than maybe those who you are closest too in life.
One place to start is the writings of Margret Barker, who is a remarkable theologian and has done all kinds of research (including translations of apocrypha) which has naturally resulted in a lot of information coming out on the role of women in the Gospel in ancient times and of course Heavenly Mother.
Here is a great book to start with if you are interested.
There is so much out there being discovered related to Heavenly Mother that I am certain that revelation will be coming soon to the brethren that will clarify or add to our doctrine. It is inevitable.
Here's some books I found on the subject. Some of the authors are Christian and others aren't so I would say you would be getting both sides of a story here.