>Only if you are enlightened. Otherwise you are just pretending.
There experiences closer to Enlightenment or the Infinite.
>What is the paradox?
In how words can sometimes be of the Absolute whereas sometimes they are not because they are about the Absolute.
>This is bullshit. LOL.
Read the poetry of someone like Shiwu in solitude in natural scenery. Let the Infinite soak over you as you take a break each time you read one poem. Just clear the mind and maintain a crisp awareness that does not define after each poem. Take a pause, and you will understand how no-one ever wrote such poems!
>I like the metaphor, but they are just normal people, like you and I. They are not talking from any kind of mystical endeavour, they are just speaking as their mind is. If you want to attach some kind of enlightened perspective to that, then feel free to do so. They were not that fond of it, though.
Sometimes no mind speaks! This is true mind! Without any division of you or I, I write this! Who wrote what?
The books "the mountain poems of stonehouse" , "The Collected Songs of Cold Mountain" and "The Zen Poems of Ryokan" are just that: https://www.amazon.com/Mountain-Poems-Stonehouse/dp/1556594550/ref=sr_1_10?dchild=1&keywords=red+pine&qid=1606817721&s=books&sr=1-10 ; https://www.amazon.com/Collected-Mountain-Mandarin-Chinese-English/dp/1556591403/ref=sr_1_7?dchild=1&keywords=red+pine&qid=1606817721&s=books&sr=1-7 ; https://www.amazon.com/Poems-Ryokan-Princeton-Library-Translations/dp/0691614989/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=ryokan&qid=1606818009&s=books&sr=1-2 .
Also, the ending of the book "Autobiography and Maxims of Master Han Shan" is just little maxims that you can read one at a time. You can download this book here: https://www.eyeofchan.org/special-features/han-shan/927-hanshan-3.html
You must understand the poetry of the greats in, like Han Shan or Bassho, in order to get Zen, ewk! Once you do, you will experience kensho. My vision of Han Shan premeditated by my change in practice.
I decided to shift focus from meditation to more reading poetry in solitude in natural scenery. It was more beneficial for the practice, and an experience of Timelessness washed over each time I took a pause, after a poem, to clear my mind and hear everything without defining it. If you want to make progress, ewk, then let go of the terse manner of exposition and let your mind be more spontaneous!