Well, no they actually couldn't. Not according to a myriad of studies, surveys and zoological observations.
Women by and large aren't attracted to younger men. In fact, men 18-25 are the LEAST sexually compelling to women. Here's an article outlining a few findings on this.
Mammalian behavior by and large shows sexual favoring to the older more established males. Provisioning and territory are much more likely to signal sexual market value for males in higher order, complex mammals like primates.
'The Naked Ape' by Desmond Morris explains this in really fascinating detail. https://www.amazon.com/dp/0385334303/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_imm_E1DN428X9WTM36HF7B0J
I highly recommend reading this one.
Yes! I think you may be referring to The Naked Ape! A very interesting book!
My favorite book along these lines is "The Naked Ape" by Desmond Morris. You might also want to check out "The Origins of Virtue" and "The Red Queen" by Matt Ridley. All very good reads that speak to the way our instincts and archaic development have contributed to our modern state.
We're naked, too. Naked Apes.
The Naked Ape by Desmond Morris
I get this point, but I think it is inconsistent. It is important to make the distinction that no modern organisms didn't evolve from other modern organisms. That said, we're perfectly comfortable saying we evolved from apes, or saying that we evolved from fish, but a misconception exists that we did not evolve from monkeys. If you look at the family tree, it is quite clear that we did evolve from monkeys.