The Netherland Tale: The Most Poltically Correct Fantasy You'll Ever Read
This is one of my first posts on Reddit, so if it reads like I took the guidelines and, one-by-one, decided to break them all, well, apologies as it was unintentional but wholly in line with my personality.
Well, I hope you enjoy a laugh, because this tale just might do the trick. If you love highly mature (and highly immature) humor, this tale of fantasy with dragons, dwarves, knights in distress and AK-47’s (only honorable mentions) might interest you. A certain bard must undertake a journey to rescue a knight and fulfill all clichés along the way. For those of you fans of some modern Hollywood blockbusters, there is no content in this satire referencing those. Why would I do that? Otherwise, I might risk lawsuits…
If you found at least mildly passing pleasure from (one of) the first two chapters, please consider supporting me by purchasing the entire text found on Amazon ( ). Doing so would goad me into penning a sequel which I would take pleasure in doing, to the ire of some more sensitive.
Thank you so much for your feedback; it is appreciated! I have actually finished this work (Wattpad has the two first chapters free and it is available on Amazon in full).
That is a great point, and one that, especially from the get-go, is obvious. I have tried writing in many other genres (from fantasy to sci-fi to even, yes, I admit with my head hung in shame, romance), and plot is not my strong suit (it's not easy!), so the fourth-wall breaks are consistent and quite meta, but certainly not for everyone. I did go back and forth with how much was too much in the beginning, but, from the get-go, with the zany melding of Postmodern and Medieval thoughts and styles, I decided the fourth wall was almost not needed, so to speak, especially with the way I handle words. Thank you again!
In case you're high AF and want to read the entire thing: