I would say he is lamenting the nature of urbanisation, the industrial age and post-war migration as he is feminism. The main complaint about feminism is the nuclear family unit, and the extreme 2nd wave bra-burning Dworkin/Solanas spectrum.
Does he ever say that? I agree with you. I wish r/niceguys would discuss them more, I've seen 50 posts tops about them in my 2 years browsing Reddit, as compared to several thousand for NGs.
Interesting what the first links about 'nice girl syndrome' on Google bring up; Nice Girls are victims of abuse, apparently… This link was also a much more sugar-coated version of NMNNG
I'm really curious what you disagree with about this one, as it relates quite a bit to the book Why Men Hate Women and the emotional power women. A lot of Nice Guy syndrome is about, in Glover's eyes, failing to cut the proverbial umbilical cord with your mom. Co-dependent tendencies and a fear of abandonment. How is this weird? A Freudian cliche to a fault, maybe…but inaccurate of these guys?
I'm not sure how you went from 'unique opinions that might rock the boat are attractive' to 'whining is unattractive'
This has to be a straw man. Although I agree that it was amazing how much he promoted his clients divorcing their wives.
I think that NMNNG disavows the victim mentality actually, he explicitly says that you and you alone are responsible for your needs. If you don't express them or assert them to your partner, it's your fault, not hers.
> Personally, I think narcissists raise nice girls/guys, not feminists.
I'd agree. (I think he was making a social commentary that he thought lots of feminist women were narcissists…ehhh)