I'm curious where you get this info, where you're from, etc (in terms of what the socialist leanings of present soc parties are).
I've researched this quite a bit when I was working on my PhD coursework, and I have a book I'll recommend you: The Nordic Model of Social Democracy by Brandal, Bratberg, and Thorsen (2013) which breaks down who soc dems are, and what they stand for, and what their goals are--all of which are at odds with what you shared. I recommend you read at least some of the book, then share your sources for your beliefs with me. I will caution--they talk about this issue with much more subtlety than you'll find on a subreddit, but even then, you should come away seeing the issue with your claims above.
The book is expensive, though I do think you can find a PDF online.
This book right here, written by Norwegian phd's is a great introduction to Social Democracy written for anglocentric audiences.
Although you didn't ask for it, I also recommend reading this brief history of the danish labour movement and the birth of the welfare state and nordic model. It's intended for non-danish audiences as well, and it really is a nice and accurate (albeit admittedly leftist biased) account.