You can possibly cheat nice hand writing (or have faded text if you don’t mind). There’s transfer markets that if you put a copy of a paper ink side down on your page and scribble the other side with the marker; it will transfer the ink. I don’t know if you need a inkjet or laser printer and they’ll need to be mirrored so the don’t transfer backwards. Here’s a link to one from Amazon, but I’m sure you can find them other places too.
The Original Chartpak AD Marker, Tri-Nib, Blender (Colorless), 1 Each (P-O)
As long as you have a laser printer (not laser jet either). Print the image reversed, and place securely with tape, inked side down on the wood. Buy a chartpak colorless blender pen (usually about 5 bucks a pen), and run it over all the inked parts on the paper, and then a blunt dull object to press the ink into the wood. I usually use the back of a spoon. This technique works like a charm, and you can get perfect transfers of very detailed images. Then you just color in the lines with the burner.