> https://www.amazon.com/Outsider-Journey-Fathers-Struggle-Madness/dp/0767901916
I highly recommend you read this book. It may help you understand some of the behaviors that this "Wally" person is exhibiting.
Mental illness doesn't stop people from having conversations, nor does it remove their ability to make up excuses to defend their actions. They don't just go around muttering gibberish to the air. Most mentally ill are not violent and while they do things like peeing in public, they can and do have normal conversations.
Yes, Wally can very well be a menace to society, and what happened to the girl was unfortunate. Hell, I probably wouldn't give him a cent if he asks me for my spare changes. I'm no fucking saint.
However, I don't think preventing others from helping someone like Wally from getting help/just doing what he can to survive is something to be "immensely pleasured" about.