Yeah a lot of them are quite wrong. May I recommend The Paperbag Princess to you.
Books for young readers - recommendations from past discussions:
100 Young Adult Books for the Feminist Reader -
The Amelia Bloomer project
Some past recommendations from our users about inspiring/strong young women:
"The Fault in Our stars, Visible Amazement, anything by Tamora Pierce (especially the lioness, protector of the small, and trickster series') Persepolis."
Hunger Games Trilogy
"Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston. It's pretty old, came right out of the Harlem Renaissance. Its about her relationships with different men, and how in each of the relationships she takes a different role. It also reveals a lot of the racial zeitgeist, as well as women's issues. Plus, it's a love story, and who doesn't love a good love story?"
A Wrinkle in Time
Native Tongue
"HIS DARK MATERIALS by Philip Pullman. Lyra is amaazing. Lirael and Abhorsen are great too."
"Left to Tell. It's a true story told by a woman who survuved the massacres in Rwanda, and how she overcame the obstacles during and after. It's a very compelling read."
"Lynne Andrews-Medicine Woman Jean Auel-Clan of the Cave Bear Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes-Women Who Run with the Wolves"
"detective novels by Laura Lippman, who is an excellent writer. Her protagonist, Tess Monaghan, solves mysteries in Baltimore."
"Not One Damsel in Distress: World Folktales for Strong Girls by Jane Yolen"
"The Paper Bag Princess. Not only is it empowering to young girls, it lampoons the whole "I'll just wait here helpless for my Prince charming to come rescue me" mentality you find so often in disney films. "
Awesome! Reminds me of this book that I loved as a girl. The whole homecoming court/prom queen "tradition" is a fucking joke, and that's how it should be treated.