> Why do many in the russian government and media lie so much and have this weird toxic adversarial mindset with a bit of paranoid bucket crab and victim complex mixed in?
It's not just in Russian government. The common theme of "being the greatest in the world", at the same time as "being under existential threat that must be fought against", is a common theme in many nationalist politics.
It's described well in The Paranoid Style in American Politics first published in 1964.
Though I'm still waiting for the follow up of "wtf to do about people with this paranoia".
Reminds me of Richard Hofstadter's work in the 1960s: The Paranoid Style in American Politics and Anti-Intellectualism in American Life.
The Know-Nothings, the Liberty Lobby, the John Birch Society, Timothy McVeigh, etc etc etc.
It seem that the most pressing work for understanding what's going on right now would be The Paranoid Style in American Politics by Richard Hofstadter. Also, Anti-Intellectualism in American Life by same.