• The Patchwork Quilt (this book is supposed to be for parents with DID explaining DID to their children, but may be a quick read enough to get you through while taking care of a 6 year old 😂 Been there done that. May also give you some ideas about how to explain it to her once she's further in trauma treatment) • Intensive Psychotherapy for Persistent Dissociative Processes by Richard Chefetz (this is one of my favorite textbooks) • Dissociation and the Dissociative Disorders - Dell • Trauma and the Body: Sensorimotor Approach - Ogden • Forensic Aspects of DID- Sachs • Rebuilding Shattered Lives - Chu (mostly historical and studies) • The Haunted Self (very basic information) • Coping with Trauma Related Dissociation
I don’t have kids but there is a book called “the patchwork quilt” that explains DID in a young-kid way