Yeah the Poetic Edda translated by Lee Hollander and I for sure will, I’ll probably dump it in a google doc and upload it for free, just wanna get through it originally first and then “re-translate it” in my spare time as a passion project
Edit: Found it on amazon
Dude paganism and the horseshit surrounding it is so overblown.
Christianity came into Europe and forced the native population to convert or face death.
If you were an outside force trying to work your way into and existing ecosystem, wouldn't you talk shit about the local beliefs to try and get people to try your shit out instead?
I recommend The Poetic Edda.
I am as well, but I got two books when I first started studying a few months ago. The Poetic Edda should be a priority form of literature but I also got one on Norse Mythology. The two I got were recommended to me by various folks.
I don't have the Crawford written book (yet) but I hear amazing things.
This is the norse mythology book I have (Amazon didn't have it)
Oh, Lee M. Hollander