AdventurerSmithy, I understand your point and I agree with you in some aspects capitalism sucks. Obviuoslly you have to pay for all in a capitalist society, but will pay anyway even in a socialist country working in a state factory and you still poor while the rulling class lives with all priviledges. I know what is working for a/or less than minimum wage just like you and I know your pain. There are poors in Canada like Brazil, but being poor here is different being poor in your country or USA.
You mention the .1% but we have to consider the following: how could they get there? They just earn money because invented a product that anyone wants to pay or had some little help from state? Why I'm saying that? That's because a company cannot eliminate from market their competitor. The great companies hates the capitalism because they can be thrown out of the market by more efficient companies, remember Microsoft loosing its monopoly and Apple loosing market to low cost android smartphones of several brands and IBM. So, the some giant companies, mainly financial companies, create links with polititians to control the market because they need the state's power to do that, you cannot concentrate the wealthy without a central control and no companie can do that in genuine capitalist market where the competition can win from you, turning the capitalist system in a corporativism system. They need the state control to control the markets, destroying in long term the economy.
And, in socialist countries like Russia, China, Vietnam what measures those governments took to decrease the poverty? Adopting capitalism, and the worst kind of capitalism that has no respect to worker's rights, like China does. The capitalist system fits up well in any power framework, even in a socialist country because socialism and capitalism are not in the same category. Capitalism is a economic phenomena, the best system to distribuit wealty. Period. Socialism is a power framework that can live above a capitalist system like China or a corportative system like our contries, pretending to be a democracy.
You think that socialism is a solution for the injustices but I think different because whenever a socialist party get the power happens the same thing: mass murdering and porverty just like Venezuela nowadays and just like the past century socialist states. Why should I support, so? I cannot believe in a system that when implemented ** always ** ends up with the same results (poverty and mass murdering) and the excuses (that was not true socialism or the fascist screw up the system). The history shown that to us. I suggest you reading this book:
In my opinion, I believe that in economics the capitalist system works well, just look at the most free economic countries and notice that wealthy it is more distribuited than in socialist countries. In politics, I believe in democracy and equality in law, and I don't have any problem if the state gets some some money from my pockets to help the poor people, but I strongly against when the state get your money to build a power system to control everyone economically and politically. That is exactly happening in Latin America socialism, and there a few bankers making profit with our disgrace. I know you disagree, but I respect your freedom of thought.