I don't know if you're willing to spend money on this, but there's a book titled "The Politics Book" that is published by DK. Its a great place to start understanding the more complex parts of different political ideologies. It doesn't discuss ideologies in the format of, say, socialism then liberalism than marxism. Instead it explores certain political ideas as espoused by various historical figures. So, there are sections on Martin Luther King, Jr., Confucius, Thomas Aquinas, Simon Bolivar, Friedrich Nietzsche, Eduard Bernstein, Rosa Luxembourg, etc. Each figure and their ideas have anywhere between one to six/eight pages dedicated to them.
The Politics Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained: DK: 9781465402141: Amazon.com: Books
I'll trade you a book for a book. I have a book aptly titled, <em>The Politics Book</em>, that condenses tons of different political ideologies into really colorful and infographics and easily explained chunks. Maybe you'll find it useful!
For an academic competition, I had to study the different political views throughout history and I read the coolest book. There is another covering the philosophy as well. They are called the politics book and the philosophy book, respectively. There is even an economics version. Here is the politics one. http://www.amazon.com/Politics-Book-Ideas-Simply-Explained/dp/1465402144
Try the new DK series. Here is an example. https://www.amazon.com.au/Politics-Book-Rebecca-Warren/dp/1465402144
This whole series is amazing.
Haven't read it myself, but I think this book would fit the bill.