On your edit about Judaism follow all the links in this wiki article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarchism_and_Orthodox_Judaism
Also one important part of bible theology in relation to this is this passage - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Samuel%208&version=NIV
But also the structure of the council system in the begining of Israel, like is talked about in Joshua 24:1
Christian anarchism is still super relevant, many of the theologians write extensively on the old testament, the historical context long before Jesus was born and so on. I would definitely check out Christian anarchist books if I were you like this http://jacques-ellul.narod.ru/anarchy.pdf but there are so many
Then I would also really recommend this book for futher historical context (its not anarchist specifically but its really good) https://www.amazon.ca/Politics-Jesus-Rediscovering-Revolutionary-Teachings/dp/0385516657
Check out anything by Ched Myers
Then also for Judaism stuff, this book is amazing https://www.amazon.com/Come-Out-My-People-Empire/dp/1570758921 and very very well researched