Here’s where you can get it brand new off of Amazon. Less expensive than OP’s and free shipping.
I would stop using khan academy immediately! Don't waste test prep questions.
As a freshman in college here's what I would advise you to do:
I've read through posts on this subreddit for HOURS all this prep will push anyone, no matter what diagnostic score into the 160's! (Don't let anyone tell you otherwise). However, what gets you into the 170s is no prep book but practice! Take about 25-40 prep tests and blind review every one of those sections. The way I see it the more thoroughly you review every single prep test and learn from your mistakes the less you have to take! Good luck :))))) Let me know if you have any other questions and always adapt your studying to what works best for you! Happy holidays!
P.S. Here are my favorite sites to see what my stats need to be to get into certain schools!
The powerscore logic games bible helped me a lot with the logic portion. Looks like you can rent it on amazon for $24
Buy the logic games bible.
here's what I would advise you to do:
I've read through posts on this subreddit for HOURS all this prep will push anyone, no matter what diagnostic score into the 160's! (Don't let anyone tell you otherwise). However, what gets you into the 170s is no prep book but practice! Take about 25-40 prep tests and blind review every one of those sections. The way I see it the more thoroughly you review every single prep test and learn from your mistakes the less you have to take! Good luck :))))) Let me know if you have any other questions and always adapt your studying to what works best for you! Happy holidays!
P.S. Here are my favorite sites to see what my stats need to be to get into certain schools!
So it's just this book from the sidebar, right? Thanks for the advice.
Right material can be subjective to any test taker. I would recommend starting with learning strategies first and using older preptests as practice for individual sections. And save the later tests when you are ready to do full practice tests.
For logic games, the powerscore bible is really good:
For logical reasoning, the powerscore bible is alright in comparison to the logic games one.
For LSAC preptests, you can find the official tests in bundles here:
You will realize preptests 39-51 aren't included in bundles from LSAC, but Cambridge has 41-50 in a bundle here:
Lastly, preptest 72 and onwards you will have to buy separately: and you can search for the other recent ones on amazon
Good luck!