I want to strongly discourage you from going forward with your original line of thinking. No attorney can protect you from a bad life partner, this is no joke. In a bad marriage, the divorce may actually turn out to be the best aspect of the marriage.
Married or not, your spouse can make you wish you never lived and do things to your life that you never dreamed could happen. And this is why selecting your partner is where 100% of your focus should go to protect yourself, and 0% to finding a divorce attorney until you are forced to cross that bridge.
Buy this book used if you need more convincing that I'm right, https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0961593806/
I prefer coming to this sub and reading the comments. I can't take these books, they are just so full of red pills i end of choking. I need that shit in smaller doses. although I highly suggest
that book will rip out any preconceptions you ever had about women and strip it to its core principles. before and after reading that i simply looked at women completely differently.