r/AcademicQuran :
> "The Alexander legend as found in the Syriac Alexander Legend had already been developing for centuries. The earliest forms of the legend are already described in the 1st century by Josephus, where Alexander the Great erected a wall made of iron between two mountains in order to keep Gog and Magog out."
> "Sidney Griffith has now noted that the Syriac Alexander Legend likely orally circulated for at least decades before it was put to writing."
The Qur’an and the Bible : Text and Commentary (Gabriel Said Reynolds) :
> 18:83–84 --- The Qurʾān here refers to Alexander as Dhū l-Qarnayn, “the two-horned one.” Alexander is represented on certain coins (for example those minted by King Lysimachus of Thrace around 300 BC) with the horns of the God Ammon. In the Legend of Alexander, Alexander declares to God “thou hast made me horns upon my head” (as a symbol of his power) and makes Alexander a righteous figure..." - Page 468
> 18:98–101 -- Here the Qurʾān has Dhū l-Qarnayn predict that in the last days before the resurrection, the bulwark he has built will be breached, a prediction which follows the way in which Alexander, in the Syriac Legend, predicts that the Huns will in the future break forth and “take captive the nations”. - Page 471
The two Quran in its Historical Context books are great too, he is the editor of those.
This one is coming out in May.
TL;DR So in order to prove that the Quran wasn't written by Mohammad we need to prove that he was illiterate and that Mecca's environment didn't aid in understanding Judaism or Christianity even though the Quran shares solid similarities with their books. Tom Holland pretty much proved that but since he doesn't believe in Mohammad's prophecy he got himself into some sort of a trouble.
Here, I want to discuss a matter that orientalists such as Tom Holland alongside Patrecia Crone and Gerd R. Puin have discussed in some of their books regarding the Quran. I will mostly focus on Tom Holland’s book and claims where he stated that with the given historic details of Mecca and Mohammad there is no way someone like him could have written the Quran. In doing so Tom got himself into a hole that he tried to get out from via arguments that would scar someone with his status as a historian.
One of the ideas that this group tries to promote is that Mecca that was mentioned in the Quran is not the Mecca we know today, the difference is in the location. The intended Mecca is located somewhere between Syria and Palestine
They raise this statement for the following reason. How can a person living in a pagan environment who is illiterate bring something like the Quran that discusses topics regarding the Abrahamic religion alongside some habits of Christians and Jews (people of the book)? Keep in mind that the bible was not translated to Arabic until several years, if not centuries, after the Mohammad’s death.
So in in order to prove that this Quran is not the word of man I ought to prove 3 things:-
1) Mohammad was an illiterate
2) The environment in Mecca (or the area that Mohammad came from) is a polytheistic one.
3) Mecca is located in Hejaz
Mohammad illiteracy:-
Gabriel Reynolds wrote a great book discussing the similarities between the Quran and other Abrahamic books in his book The Qur'an and the Bible: Text and Commentary. The issue is that this means that Mohammad has read not only the Bible but also the Midrash and Talmud (which for those who don’t know is massive) not only that but also the first Arabic translation for the Talmud was released around 2011 by a group of over 90 researchers in a time span of 6 years.
Mohammad’s illiteracy is a common knowledge among Muslims and here are some examples where it shows how he wasn’t able to read or write.
Assuming that Mohammad knew how to read and write, the issue remains at a larger scale. As discussed before the Bible was not available in Arabic, even if we assumed that an Arabic translation for the bible existed there still remains some terms/vocab that cannot be understood unless you are knowledgeable about the Bible (just like how some Quranic verses need to be understood through historic events), thus in order to understand it not only should Mohammad have knowledge in the Talmud and Apocrypha but also Jews and Christians scholar’s explanations. So the issue is much bigger than Mohammad’s literacy.
Mecca’s environment:-
So let’s assume that the Quran is not the word of god and that it was written by Mohammad (or whoever), at least we could agree that it was a historic book that reflects the situation of that time. The Quran talks about Jews and Christians but it mostly discussed and blamed polytheists “Mushrikeen”.
The burden of proof falls on those who claim that Mecca was a religious place that was inhabited by Christians and Jews. Take Waraqah ibn Nawfal as an example, he was one of the few Christians in the area and before converting to Christianity he had to, alongside Saeed bin Zayd’s father, travel from Mecca (some sources state he went to Mosul) in order to learn about “the truth” in which case it was Christianity.
Note: Some might bring up the nonsense that Waraqah ibn Nawfal aided Mohammad in writing the Quran however this is not true because Waraqah died soon after his meeting with Mohammad.
Another example would be Salman Al Farsi, when he converted to Christianity he went to places such as (again some stories also suggest Mosul) Syria. However according to Salman’s story the last monk sent him Khaibar which is also away from any Christian related ideologies. Thus from those 2 stories we can understand that there were some Jews and Christians within Arabia nonetheless it was not as much compared to other locations.
Here are some historic evidences that Mohammad was in fact a prophet from god. I also used Tom Holland's argument, which stated that someone as Mohammad who was living in Mecca couldn't have been able to come up with something like the Quran, to back up this statement.
TL;DR So in order to prove that the Quran wasn't written by Mohammad we need to prove that he was illiterate and that Mecca's environment didn't aid in understanding Judaism or Christianity even though the Quran shares solid similarities with their books. Tom Holland pretty much proved that but since he doesn't believe in Mohammad's prophecy he got himself into some sort of a trouble.
Here, I want to discuss a matter that orientalists such as Tom Holland alongside Patrecia Crone and Gerd R. Puin have discussed in some of their books regarding the Quran. I will mostly focus on Tom Holland’s book and claims where he stated that with the given historic details of Mecca and Mohammad there is no way someone like him could have written the Quran. In doing so Tom got himself into a hole that he tried to get out from via arguments that would scar someone with his status as a historian.
One of the ideas that this group tries to promote is that Mecca that was mentioned in the Quran is not the Mecca we know today, the difference is in the location. The intended Mecca is located somewhere between Syria and Palestine
They raise this statement for the following reason. How can a person living in a pagan environment who is illiterate bring something like the Quran that discusses topics regarding the Abrahamic religion alongside some habits of Christians and Jews (people of the book)? Keep in mind that the bible was not translated to Arabic until several years, if not centuries, after the Mohammad’s death.
So in in order to prove that this Quran is not the word of man I ought to prove 3 things:-
Mohammad illiteracy:-
Gabriel Reynolds wrote a great book discussing the similarities between the Quran and other Abrahamic books in his book The Qur'an and the Bible: Text and Commentary. The issue is that this means that Mohammad has read not only the Bible but also the Midrash and Talmud (which for those who don’t know is massive) not only that but also the first Arabic translation for the Talmud was released around 2011 by a group of over 90 researchers in a time span of 6 years.
Mohammad’s illiteracy is a common knowledge among Muslims and here are some examples where it shows how he wasn’t able to read or write.
Assuming that Mohammad knew how to read and write, the issue remains at a larger scale. As discussed before the Bible was not available in Arabic, even if we assumed that an Arabic translation for the bible existed there still remains some terms/vocab that cannot be understood unless you are knowledgeable about the Bible (just like how some Quranic verses need to be understood through historic events), thus in order to understand it not only should Mohammad have knowledge in the Talmud and Apocrypha but also Jews and Christians scholar’s explanations. So the issue is much bigger than Mohammad’s literacy.
Mecca’s environment:-
So let’s assume that the Quran is not the word of god and that it was written by Mohammad (or whoever), at least we could agree that it was a historic book that reflects the situation of that time. The Quran talks about Jews and Christians but it mostly discussed and blamed polytheists “Mushrikeen”.
The burden of proof falls on those who claim that Mecca was a religious place that was inhabited by Christians and Jews. Take Waraqah ibn Nawfal as an example, he was one of the few Christians in the area and before converting to Christianity he had to, alongside Saeed bin Zayd’s father, travel from Mecca (some sources state he went to Mosul) in order to learn about “the truth” in which case it was Christianity.
Note: Some might bring up the nonsense that Waraqah ibn Nawfal aided Mohammad in writing the Quran however this is not true because Waraqah died soon after his meeting with Mohammad.
Another example would be Salman Al Farsi, when he converted to Christianity he went to places such as (again some stories also suggest Mosul) Syria. However according to Salman’s story the last monk sent him Khaibar which is also away from any Christian related ideologies. Thus from those 2 stories we can understand that there were some Jews and Christians within Arabia nonetheless it was not as much compared to other locations.
Mecca is located in Hejaz:-
My main issue with this statement is where to start. In his book Holland stated that Mecca where Mohammad came from is not Mecca that we know today (which is located in Hejaz). The issue with this is that the burden of proof is on the person who is denying that obvious fact, yet he has never offered a valid explanation.
Take for example the Kaaba. When Mohammad and his comrades went for pilgrimage, they went to Mecca where the Kaaba is. Now if Mecca was somewhere else then that means that the Kaaba was moved/replaced to be in the current Mecca. If that was the case then it should have been heard off because throughout history the attacks on Kaaba were all noted down and registered so moving it would have had the same treatment.
If we are to assume that the old location of Mecca was changed then we are dealing with a huge conspiracy that needs evidence to back it up. Above that we will open the door to literally denying almost every event in history!
I have never read from any contemporary person be it Syriac Christians or Copts who even brought up this matter. Keep in mind that we are talking about an era where people noted every single detail of Mohammad’s life (such as what he used to eat, wear, do…etc) even the name of his possessions were preserved for centuries to come, yet not a single source was there to back up Holland’s claim! How can such a huge geographic change occurs and not a single text of evidence was written about it??
Tom’s suggested that the geographic change occurred by the Umayyad caliphate Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan or rather than this he proposed that it might be him who gave rise to Islam and not the other way around.
However all of this falls flat due to the lack of any evidence that supports his claims and above that we even have John of Damascus who was a priest whom wrote many books criticizing Islam and attacked Islam in several of his texts yet he has never stated anything of that matter. Moreover, John’s father (Sarjun ibn Mansur) served under the Umayyad caliphates wing and that would have given him a close idea whether Mecca location was changed or not, yet nothing was mentioned about the matter.
So claiming that Mecca’s location was replaced is a new claim that no historian has suggested until recently, with nothing to back it up. This was my take on Tom Holland’s claim and in case you have any additions or criticism please write it down below. Thanks
For further readings:-