Its an old article. In 1995 the right wing noise machine was still fairly new.
Also, from 2004:
The Republican Noise Machine: Right-Wing Media and How It Corrupts Democracy
>I have ...Garbage Person Projecting b/c Garbage Person Is As Garbage Person Does... gated community.
Your Reichtard Echo-Chamber has insulated your tribe of shitstains from reality for so long you can no longer survive outside of it.
You & your branch of invertebrates have been openly fantasizing unchecked about committing violence against anyone - everyone - that isn't High & Tidy Mighty Whitey for such a prolonged & uninterrupted period that you haven't heard an authentically Leftist or genuinely Progressive voice in decades. It is much, much louder than you & yours have the courage to remember.
> I can't understand how a party that works so hard to make life tough on Americans keeps getting elected.
50+ years of right wing rhetoric, lies, fear mongering and brainwashing from the GOP
Both politicians and their echo chamber bubble machine (Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Breitbart, etc)
Also, allying themselves with white men, Christians, fossil fuels, conspiracy theorists, gun nuts, racists, bigots, etc
Also, doing a stellar job of vilifying the left/liberals/progressives/democrats and using them as scapegoats
Also, doing a stellar job of vilifying minorities/immigrants/foreigners and using them as scapegoats
Also, doing a stellar job of vilifying the "main stream/liberal media" (actual news)
Also, gerrymandering and creating strangleholds on red districts/states
Also, systematically hindering the ability of government to function
Also, systematically hindering the quality of education
Also, systematically hindering the quality of life (while blaming it on "the other")
Trump's more hardcore supporters especially, are a fanatical cult of ignorance and delusion..
Can this nation ever be united?
“I hope so,” Mussler said with a shake of her head. “I don’t know. I don’t know. It would be nice, and I think if — I don’t know, I don’t know. I think the only thing that’s going to reunite us is maybe the Lord coming back.”
He added that he had been campaigning on behalf of the Republican President for two years, and said he kept a six-foot cardboard cut-out of the billionaire mogul in his house.
He said: "I salute that every single day and I pray and I tell him, 'Mr. President, I pray for your safety today.' And I'm not lying, I do that every single day to the president, but he's cardboard."