Make an actual argument. Repeating "its a buzzword because it is in gender studies" isn't an argument.
>unhinged articles
Why is it unhinged
>At some point reality is going to smack you in the face
Lol okay, it's not my ideology that's led to the current situation
People upset at "both sides are the same" see Trump as an aberration of the American system, which is supposed to be like <em>The West Wing</em>. Trump is just one extreme example, even for a republican (the ideology goes). This is how despite our collective hate for Bush, he has been rehabilitated - or at least there has been attempts from the American """left"""..
But the thing is that they just ignore so many academic critiques of the American system which, do not let them fool you, include a multitude of actions taken by democrats. These are just too kooky to be taken seriously, despite nearly all of them coming from academia or academics. Even when it comes from fellow neoliberals they will ignore it.
There's a lot of actions done that are good (certain bills, etc.) but on the whole they will miss the forest for the trees.
So upon rereading this exchange do recall this one as well.