Da, primeau, in urma pactului Ribbentrop-Molotov.
E o carte foarte interesanta, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, care arata, din diverse surse precum minutele inregistrate ale diverselor sedinte/intalnire la care au participat Hitler si ceilalti nazisti de top, cam ce le trecea astora prin cap.
Hitler, de exemplu, n-avea nici un interes sa cucereasca Anglia, si era ferm convins ca pana la urma Anglia il va lasa sa domine Europa, atata timp cat ar fi fost lasata cu imperiul ei. Cand Anglia n-a fost de acord cu pacea, Hitler se plangea ca "nu-i intelege pe englezi", si credea ca, in timp, vor ajunge totusi la o intelegere.
Avand in vedere atitudinea asta, e clar ca, d.p.d.v. a lui Hitler, razboiul in vest era terminat. Tine cont ca la 21 iunie 1941, SUA inca nu intrase in razboi (Pearl Harbor a fost pe 7 decembrie). Plus ca, Hitler si toti nazistii au subestimat grav aportul SUA la un eventual razboi.
In a similar vein, I highly recommend reading 'The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich' by William L. Shirer. What we learn in school about this topic does not even scratch the surface and you can gain a lot of insight into current events by learning about the past. These days it's simply not possible to make an apt comparison with Nazi Germany unless you actually have an understanding of what it means.
To be fair, I think the reason posts like this just drive people mad is because it obviously separates those who are familiar with actual fascism and the Nazis with those who are riding the latest political wave. It's a 75 year old dead foreign religion, and it took millions of lives to end it.
Read Mein Kampf, it's a horrible book that doesn't make any sense. It's basically written for people who lived in a 50 mile radius of Austria in the 1930's and you can't even follow it in a modern context. This was the book?!?!? Are you kidding me?!?!
Even better, read this book.
Amazon.com https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XD76H41?ref_=cm_sw_r_apann_ts_9ZGPSG0P3N7ZGGTDBC5Z
Your only take away will be WTF, Hitler was a mad moron and if the Germans had anyone else in power in the 1930's-1940's, we'd all be fucked.
I have no idea why we keep going back to this well, but it was an error in human history.
If you want to know just how fucked Nazi Germany was, and how they went from rhetoric to mass genocide: "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" by William L. Shirer
I can both understand the compass and also think it is wrong.
I'll keep it super simple. Go into r/PoliticalCompassMemes and count on a piece of paper what "ideology" everyone claims to be. I promise you will find the overwhelming majority of posters and commenters to be on the right and not just fun American rightwing, there are plenty of real live alt-right fascists who also regularly post there.
I'm not asking you to change your mind now, just keep an open eye to what the majority of the sub posts and specifically mentions.
r/PoliticalCompassMemes is not a political science class, there are regularly inaccurate comments on how ideologies work and the real live history.
I would first suggest read about Hitter's life. Rise and Fall of the Third Reich is the definitive book on Adolf Hitler's life. If you read any book on his life that will prevent a lot of the misconceptions or outright lies many alt-right followers use to nudge/ recruit.
Ah. Your stupid question was an attempt at humor then?
Because I suspect you really don't have any clue what you're talking about and are earnestly spouting nonsense. Instead of trying to be funny or act cool I would ask again: open a book. Learn. You actually should learn about these things. Start here if you actually want to learn and you ever get tired of spouting nonsense or asking stupid, "funny" questions.
Nazi's were never leftwing. Fascists' use leftist policies to trick workers into voting/ supporting them.
I suggest you read a book about Adolf Hitler, I've had this conversation far too many times.
Thanks for the recommendation.
I see it's free to borrow on Kindle with Prime.
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XD76H41/