Title: The Road Trip: A Journey Down Australia's East Coast
Genre: Travel Narrative
Word Count: 25k
Feedback: An honest Amazon (or Goodreads) review
Link: Here
Description: The true story of a two-month road trip down the coast of Australia. Friendships and bank accounts are pushed to their limits
Title: The Road Trip
Genre: Narrative Travel Nonfiction
Word Count: 25k
Feedback: An honest Amazon (or Goodreads) review
Link: Here
Description: A two month long road trip tests friendships, expectations, and bank accounts
Recently finished The Road Trip, a litfic account of a 5,000 km road trip I took with friends down the East Coast of Australia. Spoiler alert: Living in a van with four people is a fucking nightmare.
The Road Trip is FREE on Amazon today. The true story of a 5,000 kilometer road trip down Australia's East Coast. For fans of travel narratives, friendship, and mental breakdowns. Please read and review! https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07T2RDRQD