>A lot of Christians counter by saying that being gay is a choice and that all they have to do is turn away from that, but I don't believe that either of those things are true.
Have you ever talked to any ex-homosexuals? I think you might have a different opinion on the subject if you did so, at least you'd see it from another point of view and it shows that the very least that not all Homosexuals are 'born that way and cannot change'. You need to listen to Ex-gays talk about their lives, to be fair and balanced to yourself and the subject. I don't know why that area isn't being discussed more often. Be aware there is a ex-gay movement and there are Ex-homosexuals - something to give equal time in study to.
I think we should all feel compassion for all sinners (since we are sinners ourselves) of all types however...
Just because you feel sorry for someone doesn't override the laws that Christians are bound by right? If so then what good are Gods laws? And remember we don't judge them, were not judges.
In my opinion it is this deliberate play on emotion that is the most common ploy used to try and get around scriptures. (Matt Vines used this constantly, it was a play to emotion on a massive scale) At one point in his speech he actually says "by holding to bible teachings we are contradicting the bible" this is the type of crazed logic that is repeated over and over. He was saying, If the results of God's teachings results in my unhappiness and my being alone then we have to change that because it hurts my feelings. Really? Can you see what he is doing here? Please feel sorry for me I'm in pain because of my lust. I can not help it, I will not fight it so therefore I'm going to overthrow the entirety of the testimony regarding men and women as interpreted by Jesus Christ himself.
Matthew 19:6 - they are no longer two but one flesh - who is? Male and Female. That is what Jesus taught, that's his teaching. Is he (Matt Vines) following Christ or denying Christ?
So basically they reject God's purpose for themselves, then they adopt the opposite of God's purpose for themselves and then blame traditional interpretation for them not getting to have a same sex mate or family, which of course is identified as a man and a woman having children which you can not have with same sex partners and yet some how that is due to the traditional interpretation? No, that's ridiculous, it's due to their rejection of God's creative order itself. I digress ... but you get the point both InspiredRichard and walrus_blubber made similar comments on this issue, so I'm reissuing the same comments in hopes you'll actually see the fraud behind what Matthew Vines is saying and leaving out. Also how the principles of homosexuality do not comply with what Jesus taught and I'm not sure why we should feel sorry for those wanting to make changes to God's laws in order to justify their sins? Is it possible that there are those that are involved in pedophilia and bestiality that also feel like they are being "hurt" because they can not have a fulling relationship with their specific lustful desire because it goes against what God instructs us and should we feel sorry for them and look for ways around Gods laws in order they might sin and feel good about it? Why is it homosexuality is different to you then these other sins?
>John Boswell, I didn't actually read his book. I saw references to it, but I was trying to look at more recent arguments.
That was somewhat my point - Boswell's writings though older are still being used by people like Matthew Vines as if they have never been answered? These arguments and thoughts that we see constantly in the subs are virtually the same arguments with little or no changes to them at all. There is really nothing new in what Matthew Vines said - what might considered different was his mega emotional delivery, bravo!
Same Sex Controversy, The: Defending and Clarifying the Bible's Message About Homosexuality.
The Boswell Thesis: Essays on Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality
There was one really good debate on youtube - I'm searching for it and will post it for you as I find it.