Hallucinations are annoying, especially if they don't stop because of the medication. I have some episodes in the early morning, but soon I go to work or sports and this helps me a lot ... I wish you all the best.
A helpful journal.
If the cause is organic, it is from the brain and is involved in speech disorders.
If it's psychological, it's due to lack of self-confidence or social anxiety... Behavioral therapy will help you.... Good luck...
A Helpful Tool for SZA
Yes it helps a lot...
But I advise you to get a natural and great ashwagandha supplement for energy and mental health,journaling is also useful as well...
Over time, medications will help you stabilize your condition. Try to control anxiety and destructive feelings .... Practice a specific sport ... to get new friends .... good luck... This tool is useful for managing hallucinations..
She must go to a therapist to get the medicines that help her stabilize her condition.... Get this tool for her it's useful and motivating.
Organize your daily program according to importance, so as not to make simple things like this complicate your life. Good luck. A helpful journal
Take care... Hallucinations are hard, they always come at hard times.... A motivational tool to manage your hallucinations...
Its Just hallicinations .... Use this journal to track what you feel or hear ...
Be what you are, do not change for anyone, so that you do not enter into the vortex of emotional contradictions. Those who love you will accept you as you are and will accept your truth.
(a helpful tool)
Try to convince her to approach a therapist
I think she has schizoaffective disorder bipolar type as a result of the problems she has been through.
give her this tool to manage her struggles.
You can do a specific sport 3 times a week and eat a diet rich in vitamins and omega 3, this thing will help you improve the state of brain chemistry and reduce symptoms.
Do meditation and mindfulness exercises, they are great for improving your mood
Don't forget the journaling method. Use this tool to manage moods, symptoms, and hallucinations
good luck.
A helpful tool to manage hallucinations.
Make him practice a combat sport, he will learn discipline and morals.
Ignore the voices, block them out or distract yourself. For example, you could try listening to music on headphones, exercising, cooking or knitting. You might have to try a few different distractions to find what works for you. Give them times when you agree to pay attention to them and times when you will not.
A Helpful Tool
Try to take your medications regularly and talk to your therapist about adjusting the doses if the hallucinations and delusions do not go away.
Also, journaling is useful for your condition. To manage symptoms, use this tool.
The only solution is to get the right medication to prevent possible seizures... Talk to your therapist about this...
Also try to change your lifestyle, exercise weekly.
Don't worry too much about the future, it will be fine.
Make this tool in your personal library.journaling is very useful for your situation.
The first thing you can do is get rid of your addiction to cannabis. It's a terrible thing that can make symptoms worse.
Try to take adaptive instructions regularly with your therapist and everything will be fine.
This tool will help you manage symptoms. wish you all the best.
A helpful tool for her
Beware of driving when you are ready to hallucinate
These are regressive symptoms that express the impact of your brain chemistry due to depression.
Keep taking your hallucinogens, improve your social circle (get into support groups) to ease manic symptoms, and you'll be fine.
A Helpful Journal to ManageYour Hallucinations.
Just stick with your medication, and try to find new outlets to boost your social presence.
This psychological crisis that you went through is very complicated and that is why it affected your brain chemistry and this was reflected in the levels of hallucinations.
But I'm sure you'll get over all this pain just be strong and don't give up, everything will be fine.
a helpful tool to manage your hallucinations.
Try to replace sleep medication supplement melatonin, and serotonin.
Also, in order to get a long and quiet sleep, try to make your day full of physical activities.
Try to reduce exposure to light at night....Facebook...Television...etc.
Everything will be fine.
A Helpful tool for Bipolar Type
There are those who realize it in moments and there are those who realize it within hours
It depends on the severity of the disorder and brain chemistry
I wish you a speedy recovery.
Keep this tool to manage hallucination tracking and analysis
You should not feel guilty.
Mania leads to admiration, this is the interpretation of your condition.
You must understand your feelings and emotional needs well, or else you will be psychologically tired in the future.
Make sure that love is only for those who deserve it and does not come until the right moment.
Good luck.
A Helpful Tool for Bipolar Type
journaling May help you.
Welcome. I am sure you will benefit from this group. A helpful tool for bipolar type
journaling Helps control your symptoms and improve your mood by:
Helping you prioritize problems, fears, and concerns.
Tracking any symptoms day-to-day so that you can recognize triggers and learn ways to better control them.
Providing an opportunity for positive self-talk and identifying negative thoughts and behaviors Good luck.
Journaling may help her Use this tool
Try to stop this kind of waste A helpful tool .
Don't give up. A helpful tool to manage hallucinations
Just stay strong .Be patient and Practice meditation in nature. It will help you restore the balance of your brain chemistry Keep this tool for blogging and analyzing these hallucinations.
There is a simple test to know whether you are infected with a demon or not. Go to YouTube and search for a surah called baqarrah that is found in the Muslims Qur'an. Close your eyes and listen to it and come back here tell me what symptoms you felt. A helpful tool to manage your hallucinations. I lile it.
I preffer calm and journaling. A helpful tool.
Olanzapine and resperidone. A helpful tool ( for bipolar type )
Nice art , dont give up. A helpful tool to manage hallucinations.
Tell your therapist about your problem . And it will be ok. This tool will help you in managing hallucinations.
I think hallucinations are more common in people with bipolar type. Re-contact your therapist to direct you to medication to relieve hallucinations. Use the blogging method is also useful to analyze and break these hallucinations.
It's a disorder not a syndrome. This tool may help you
Forget about it completely and don't be afraid until your subconscious mind gets rid of the previous experience
Your fear of another possible seizure will stimulate your brain chemistry to trigger it again.
Relax, go about your life normally, and warn you not to worry and think about it, because that will make things more complicated.
A helpful tool.
Use this workbook to manage and break your symptoms
Keep going Use this workbook to manage and break your symptoms
Use this workbook to manage and break your symptoms
Keep going. Use this workbook to manage and break your symptoms
Use this workbook to manage and break your symptoms
You should stop smoking shit...it's the main cause of grandiosity and hallucinations...Try to fill your day with sporty or socially useful things.
This is a set of tools for self-care you may need.
Good luck.
SZA Bipolar Type
SZA Depressive Type
BPD DBT Journal
Drawing is a form of adaptation, this is a great idea. Use this journal to better manage your Hallucinations.
meditation .. and journaling ... for me i preffer journaling
use this tool if you have the bipolar type - and this fordepressive type.
Live your life normally, and continue to take your medication regularly.
Blogging is very helpful in the recovery process. Use this tool.
This is really weird....
This tool may help you to record and analyze hallucinations.
This is really weird....
This tool may help you to record and analyze hallucinations
This is really weird....
This tool may help you to record and analyze hallucinations.
of course you aren't alone.
a helpful journal to manage your hallucination
Smoking helps to improve temporarily. But it will continue to destroy brain cells.
So use journaling to cope with symptoms rather than smoking.
Good luck.
try to cope through journaling
good luk.
this is SZA Bipolar Type
A Helpful Tool
i'm sorry for you .
i hate hallucinations.
journaling will hellp you
i like it .
a helpful tool for those managing halucinations.
Yes, these are symptoms of the bipolar type
This tool will help you in managing symptoms and getting rid of them.
don"t give up .... keep going dude
a helpful tool to manage hallucinations
you hav the bipolar type ... this tool will help you to manage your hallucinations
i like your style
wish you all the best.
a helpful tool for you
Try not to be alone, do useful or love activities
Until you adjust your brain chemistry.
Use this journal as a catalyst that may help you in managing these hallucinations
Hallucinations are sometimes associated with other disorders
A therapeutic journalthat will help you manage and get rid of hallucinations
A Helpful Tool For Bipolar Type.
keep going
A Helpful Tool.
you should break these delusions by journalig
use this helpful tool.