> Other Church teachings I have a very hard time agreeing with. Most of these are sexual issues. I think it's fun to have sex and I don't see what the big deal is. If it happens, I still confess it out of fear of going to hell. I also have an addiction to masturbation that I'm trying to quit but at the same time I think, "what's the big deal anyway." Then fear of hell comes to mind and I get depressed. Also one of my best friends is gay and I have a lot of trouble accepting homosexuality as a sin.
This is one of the devil's greatest attacks on society today, causing confusion and misunderstanding, especially through various addictions to pleasure.
The Catholic Church teaches that pleasure, while inherently good, is something which we, while in this life, need to flee from and sacrifice, if we are to be detached from the world and be more ready and capable of doing God's will, and ultimately to save our souls.
It's may seem scary or even backwards, but all the Saints attest that it's neither, and that it's fully doable by even the weakest person. Partly because God will give us the grace to reject pleasure and make sacrifices so that we can do His will rather than our own. But I'm not the best at explaining this.
Read The Sinner's Guide (free online version or paperback on Amazon). This will make it all much more clear to you, and you'll agree with all of it if you read it prayerfully.