Just ignore the "for technical divers" part of the title and try The Six Skills by Steve Lewis. It's a great read, and easily one of the better dive books out there.
You should really consider a refresher course though, the feedback you get from an instructor is going to be really useful for you.
The Six Skills, by Steve Lewis.
Shadow Divers is absolutely worth reading as well.
If looking to purchase a book, consider getting Six Skills by Steve Lewis: http://www.amazon.com/The-Six-Skills-Other-Discussions/dp/098122802X
Another good book is Deco for Divers by Mark Powell: http://www.amazon.com/Deco-Divers-Decompression-Theory-Physiology/dp/1905492294
Then, there is the ever adorable scuba tank water bottle: http://www.amazon.com/TankH2O-Scuba-Stainless-Steel-Bottle/dp/B00C2AAVRS