well...organ harvesting from FLG people was confirmed by investigators many times. I saw even a book on this somewhere... https://www.amazon.com/Slaughter-Killings-Harvesting-Solution-Dissident/dp/161614940X/ref=pd_lpo_sbs_14_t_0?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=DMW9HG0V8K2VCHSN9FQV
Not to mention the Chinese government is exceptionally skilled at systematically suppressing any and all political dissidence and rumors of human rights abuses. The history and treatment of Falun Gong is a great example. It is a branch of Buddhism originating in China in the early 90s focusing on typical Buddhist stuff like morality, spiritual enlightenment, with a further emphasis on tai-chi-esque exercises and such. At its height there were 50+ million. Eventually, the gov’t began to consider Falun Gong and its adherents a potential threat due to its size and popularity. Media portrayal of adherents began slowly turning negative and rumors/reports appeared of government surveillance and discrimination in various stores and services. Keep in mind that most of that media and those services were and continue to be either directly controlled by the CCP or heavily influenced by it. Eventually, thousands of adherents converged in Beijing and held the largest (peaceful) demonstration since tiananmen. They wanted official government recognition and protection of their beliefs. It’s widely held that that is what spurred the CCP to really crack down. In the years that followed, tens of thousands of adherents were imprisoned, sent to work camps, tortured, prosecuted(and persecuted), subject to all manner of coercive psychiatric abuse and thought reform. Thousands died. Thousands were even systematically exploited for their organs. A documentary on it, Human Harvest, won a Peabody award talking about this. It’s horrifying. Additionally, the government also began a comprehensive and extensive propaganda campaign to turn popular opinion against Falun Gong, including but not limited to blaming Falun Gong adherents for various knife attacks, murders, and other crimes. They also block and track online searches and queries for Falun Gong-related websites and information to ensure that the general public doesn’t realize that what Falun Gong really is is a bunch of people that exercise and meditate and think that maybe answering life’s bigger questions is more important than buying those new rims. I’m Chinese american(US born and raised) and I’ve even seen this in my parents and extended family. They think that Falun Gong is a bunch of knife-crazy whackos and think of them akin to how Americans think of extremists declaring loyalty to ISIS and going on shooting sprees. It’s so sad to see and also very infuriating.
Wikipedia with article sources:
>China has by far the shortest wait times for organ transplants in the world,[88] and there is evidence that the execution of prisoners for their organs is "timed for the convenience of the waiting recipient."[89] As of 2014 Organ tourists to China report receiving kidney transplants within days of arriving in China.[90] A report produced by David Matas and David Kilgour cites the China International Transplantation Assistant Centre website as saying "it may take only one week to find out the suitable (kidney) donor, the maximum time being one month..."[6] By way of comparison, the median waiting time for an organ transplantation in Australia is 6 months to 4 years,[91] in Canada, it is 6 years as of 2011.[92] In UK it is 3 years.[93]
Lol which point I dodged? The CCP has not only been harvesting organs from prisoners for decades, there's also a large number of Falun Gong practitioners, held in labour camps and prisons being harvested. Apparently they are not on death row. They're political "criminals".
Actually Falun Gong practitioners who have no legal protection in China, inmates of China's labour camps, social outcasts, trafficked women and children, etc. are all potential targets of this vast organ theft system according to Chinese media's own report before Xijinping cracked them down,
[Kilgour–Matas report
The Slaughter: Mass Killings, Organ Harvesting, and China's Secret Solution to Its Dissident Problem
>A couple of Falungong leaders were confronted with someone leaving the religion. They stab the person to death.
>They get executed and have their organs donated
So you're admitting that CCP forces prisoners to donate their organs?
This has been credibly investigated by human rights organizations and reported in the press.
Can't show 100% proof cos it's China. But we know a) many falun gong members were executed and b) the demand for organs outstrips supply by 100s times in China and c) the only real source for decades was condemned prisoners
So yeah it happened.....Whether they took the organs when they were dead or alive ..I don't know.
But you don't need to take my word for it. https://www.news.com.au/world/asia/the-living-dead-prisoners-executed-for-their-organs-then-sold-to-foreigners-for-transplants/news-story/4048895e300f415a0a078e229d697bf7
In 2013, director of the China Organ Donation Committee, Dr Huang Jiefu, told medical journal The Lancet that more than 90 per cent of transplant organs were still sourced from executed prisoners.
China announced the following year that it would end the harvesting of organs from executed prisoners and move to a voluntary donation-based system.
But according to several reports, the controversial practice is far from abolished, and there is evidence it still continues
>Judging from the comments, everyone here is ridiculously anti-Chinese and no news they do will ever be good news.
Well there's a good reason to; their leadership is a bunch of scummy dirtbags, on par with the Saudis. They kidnapped the head/chief of Interpol a few weeks back and the guy is yet to be seen, this is a country with a long history of killing and butchering political dissidents for their organs.
Book: https://www.amazon.com/Slaughter-Killings-Harvesting-Solution-Dissident/dp/161614940X
They even developed a mobile execution van to do it on the fly: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Execution_van
Don't forget the electroshock therapy for gays: https://www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/news/worldviews/wp/2017/11/14/china-urged-to-stop-using-electroshock-therapy-to-convert-lgbt-people/
Concentration and indoctrination camps for Muslims Christians etc.; ccp state is your god.
Routine torture: http://www.ishr.org/countries/peoples-republic-of-china/methods-of-torture-in-the-peoples-republic-of-china/
Yes even still with medieval techniques https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2015/nov/11/china-still-uses-medieval-torture-methods-against-opponents-amnesty
Banned Winnie the Pooh for people saying he looks like the glorious leader: https://nypost.com/2018/08/05/china-gives-winnie-the-pooh-the-enemy-of-the-state-treatment/amp/
Social credit scores; being the biggest mass killers of their own people in this century(Mao killed ~70million in 5 years just a few decades ago) I can go on and on and on.
>I can't believe an article like this is literally generating 90% negative comments. Shouldn't there at least be Chinese shills up voting it or something?
Don't be surprised people are negative towards China, there is lots you obviously don't know and Chinese are known to suck at propaganda but are working on perfecting it with the help of Google Facebook etc.
Wikipedia states:
> Reports on systematic organ harvesting from Falun Gong prisoners first emerged in 2006, though the practice is thought by some to have started six years earlier. Several researchers—most notably Canadian human rights lawyer David Matas, former parliamentarian David Kilgour and investigative journalist Ethan Gutmann—estimate that tens of thousands of Falun Gong prisoners of conscience have been killed to supply a lucrative trade in human organs and cadavers and that these abuses may be ongoing.[2] These conclusions are based on a combination of statistical analysis; interviews with former prisoners, medical authorities and public security agents; and circumstantial evidence, such as the large number of Falun Gong practitioners detained extrajudicially in China and the profits to be made from selling organs.
The citation is from a book not a real academic paper - a book that they SELL. Is what is in bold enough to convince you? Eyewitness testimony from mostly FG members who have a self-interest to lie and a so-called statistical analysis from a lawyer and a journalist?
Forgive my skepticism but it’s literally the same type of “research” that was used in debunked works like “the Black book of communism” which is a pseudo-history book 2/3 of the authors have since denounced. These types of books sell like crack. This type of propaganda: “statistical analysis” and eyewitness testimony has been used by capitalist countries against communist countries since 1917 and so much of it has turned out to be false (20-100 million killed, rape dungeons in the USSR, various executions and crimes committed by NK and China). It’s always the same process. Never any hard evidence like say the holocaust or the 200k civilians killed by US supported South Korea’s bodo league massacre.