maha gandu
- subjugated an underaged girl to nude behavior and it is the violence of the worst kind (source - “Mahatma Gandhi’s Letters on Brahmacharya, Sexuality, and Love” by Girja Kumar (Vitasta Publishing, 2011). More detailed citations and references in the chapter on Gandhi in Rita Banerji’s book “Sex and Power: Defining History, Shaping Societies,” [pages 265-281, Penguin Books, 2009].)
- when any Indian was killed for speaking an inch against Britisher a man out of nowhere came out and started a "peaceful satyagraha" and it was even published in the newspapers even though there was heavy censorship by the brits.
- when the whole parliament was supporting Sardar Vallabh Patel for the position of pm this man started a satyagraha against the whole parliament to make NEhru the pm.source
want to read more just read the book south African Gandi and face the reality this book
This article takes direct excerpts from his letters about his views on sexuality, his "experimentation" with younger girls, the disgust of his subordinate and how he reacted to him.
There has been a recent book expounding on Gandhi's racist views, belief in Aryan theory to validate denigrating South African black people while trying to make Indians seem "more equal" (that phrase sounds absurd to me, so the quotes; not from the book) to whites.