No worries. If I could recommend, read this
I found it fantastic. I will remind you that just because you FEEL like that was your one sweet sugar doesn't mean you're right. Feelings aren't always actual realities. Otherwise we'd call them facts. There are tons of men (or women but without rereading I can't remember if you gave gender), another one will come along. And just because he felt right, I'll point out that he obviously wasn't. Timing needs to be right too.
Also, we all need work and validation. You're being unnecessarily hard on yourself. Listen to a much older ENFP. Granted I'm currently seeing somebody who just might not be that into me, waiting to talk to him to see if this is where I pull my train away from the station to move on to the next. And if so, I've just found the sweet sugar of the INFJ and may need to be in search of my own INFJ.