Rubbish isn't fun. Rubbish is rubbish, period. It's shit nobody cares about. It's the definition of boring and uninteresting. You spend your time with boring and uninteresting things, then expect others to think you're a fun and interesting person. It just doesn't work like that.
> > You know what? Don't approach women. You're completely disinterested in them as anything other than sex things
> What gives you that idea? What, that I generally don't find women interesting to talk to? Also, how exactly would you propose I solve this "problem", if it even is one?
You don't think it is a problem. Until you think it's a problem, you can't solve it. But I'd suggest that the first step is to step away from The Red Pill and the Pick Up Artist community. In fact, read Neil Strauss's other book, The Truth. It's the sequel to The Game.
> Lol definitely not gay. Men are far more to hang around, talk with, banter with, workout with, etc. but I'm not attracted to them sexually or romantically. They're just bros.
You sure about that? You seem to really like dudes and really dislike ladies. That's usually a pretty big sign that a person is gay.