Michael Chatfield
Ten Realms (Portal-Cultivation-12 Books)
Emerilia (Portal-11 Books)
Tao Wong
The System Apocalypse (Apocalypse-12 Books)
Adventures on Brad (Native RPG-9 Books)
Dave Willmarth
The Greystone Chronicles (Online-5 Books)
Shadow Sun (Apocalypse-6 Books)
Rohan M Vider
The Gods' Game (Portal-5 Books)
Michael R Miller
Battle Spire (Online-Standalone)
Smithing non-melee weapons, pretty much most of the ten realms.
The plot rapidly comes to revolve around the manfacture of non-melee weapons.
https://smile.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07F7QQGZ9 The ten realms dips in and out of this.
Both immediately directly - the two leads arrival is simplified by their OP guns.
And later, when their faction is largely based around guns.
There is also alchemy, healing, and smithing (mainly of guns).
https://smile.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0798LYKKP is another one that could be described as this. The protagonists 'glitch' is that he ends up comedically absurd at aiming projectile weapons.
https://smile.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B071LT5WGL - Into the black - which is basically a sequence of developing bigger and bigger guns to shoot things morer. (these guns are attached to spaceships)
Reading the litRPG/Wuxia russian translated story on RR that the author just posted about on here a week or so ago, Dragon Heart Stone Will. It's a little bit rough, both because it's a bit too wuxia and because it's translated. It's still a rather decent read, and it made me sad that the guy only has 20-ish chapters up already. Supposedly the series has thousands of chapters in its original Russian, so I'm at least glad that it isn't going to get dropped after the traditional 30-50 ish chapters (I love reading new stories on RR, but it's basically russian roulette on which ones survive more than 5 months).
Re-reading the Emerilia author's litRPG/cultivation story The Ten Realms, but this time I'm listening to it as an audiobook. I love the story, but I think that it actually works better as written word than audio. The narrator isn't bad, but seems to think that since the setting is Asian-inspired he has to do random asian accents for various characters. Still, I plan on listening to the other two when their audioversions come out as well, since it's one of the few stories I don't mind revisiting.
I've been trying to read Michael Chatfield's other stuff, since I like the Realms books and the Emerilia books, but it just isn't really doing it for me.
Just picked up a few books by the guy who does the Alpha World series, so I'm excited about that.
Savage Divinity is back from it's almost 2-month break, which is great. Not in this genre, it's a classic re-incarnation story that is incredibly well done and has some of the best writing I've seen on RR.
Just got current today on the new-ish story Skyclad. It's great, it has a believable female lead and is entertaining. I think the author had no clue how to pace himself (I think him?), though, as I would have thought the content of these first 17 chapters would be stretched at least twice as far. Too much, too fast. Great writing, though, so either he'll get better in this story or he will do much better with his next story.
Read all of Apocalypse Ted this week. It hasn't been updated in about a month, so I'm not sure if it's dead/dying. Still, I don't regret reading what's already there.